The Palm Beach Post

Tequesta teen to host 2 free lacrosse clinics this summer

- By Sarah Elsesser Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Blake Chami has been playing lacrosse since he was 7 years old. He said he fell in love with the sport after his first practice 10 years ago.

Now, the Tequesta teen has created a lacrosse camp because he wants other kids to understand the exhilarati­ng feeling of learning how to cradle a ball, score a goal and be part of a team.

“I wanted to give back to my community,” said Chami, 17. “I got all this awesome knowledge passed down to me from my coaches and now I want to share it with others.”

Chami created the Palm Beach Lacrosse Clinic last year for 7- to 12-year-old boys. The week-long camp was held in Tequesta and drew about 70 kids from across Palm Beach County.

“Last year, we had a new lacrosse player whose mom drove him every day from West Palm Beach,” said Chami. “After the first day he looked at me with a huge smile and said, ‘I love lacrosse.’ And that was probably the best feeling I’ve ever had.”

The Benjamin School junior recruited his high school teammates and other kids he plays lacrosse with to help coach the children. Each day of camp consists of stretching, drills, agility, stick skills, shooting and scrimmages.

Chami said his camp is for students of all skill levels and wants “to make sure every single kid is improving,” even if it means working with them individual­ly.

Besides learning the basics of the sport, the young coach hopes to inspire the boys. He said the best piece of advice he was given and wants to share is “being a good lacrosse player can take you far, but being a good person can take you further.”

This year there will be two clinics because Chami wants to reach more communi- ties and kids. He also plans to purchase a soft lacrosse stick and ball for first-tim- ers with money from sponsorshi­p funds.

The camp is free, but Chami requires participan­ts to bring a refillable water bottle, lacrosse helmet, mouth guard, stick, gloves, shoulder and elbow pads and a pinny ( jersey). Chami doesn’t have extra equipment for students who can’t afford it, but said equipment donations would “definitely be something to look into next year.”

The first session will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 11 through 15 at Tequesta Park. The second is set for 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 18 through 22 from at Bert Bostram Park in Lake Park.

To register, visit www. palmbeachl­acrossecli­nic. com.

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