The Palm Beach Post



“If you think it’s right to fight fire with fire, remember that the fire department uses water.” — graffiti

Try today’s deal as a defensive problem. Cover the West and South cards. Against 3NT, West leads the deuce of spades, dummy plays low and you take the queen. South almost surely has the jack, from both his bidding and his failure to put up dummy’s king on the first spade.

What next?

South must have long, strong clubs since he bid 3NT with so few high cards. After the clubs are establishe­d, he may have nine winners. You can lead the ace and a third spade to set up your fourth spade, but you will come to only four defensive tricks that way.

To beat 3NT, you must fight fire (declarer’s long clubs) with fire. At Trick Two, shift to the king of hearts. If South takes the ace and starts the clubs, duck twice and win the third club. South’s hand is dead, and he will take at most eight tricks.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ K8 ♥ QJ9 ◆ AK 763 ♣ J 5 4. Your partner opens one spade, you bid two diamonds and he rebids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: A system in which your two diamonds was game-forcing would have an edge: You could bid 2NT, forcing, to leave room to investigat­e. In “Standard” methods, you have options, none attractive. Raise to four spades, hoping partner has a six-card or strong fivecard suit, or jump to 3NT, hoping he has club help.

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