The Palm Beach Post

No mystery to nominee Kavanaugh’s gun views

- By Michael Kunzelman and Larry Neumeister

SILVER SPRING, MD. — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh says he recognizes that gun, drug and gang violence “has plagued all of us.” Still, he believes the Constituti­on limits how far government can go to restrict gun use to prevent crime.

As a federal appeals court judge, Kavanaugh made it clear in a 2011 dissent that he thinks Americans can keep most guns, even the AR-15 rifles used in some of the deadliest mass shootings.

Kavanaugh’s nomination by President Donald Trump has delighted Second Amendment advocates. Gun law supporters worry that his ascendancy to America’s highest court would make it harder to curb the proliferat­ion of guns. Kavanaugh has the support of the National Rifle Associatio­n, which posted a photograph of Kavanaugh and Trump across the top of its website.

The Supreme Court has basically stayed away from major guns cases since its rulings in 2008 and 2010 declared a right to have a gun, at least in the home for the purpose of self-defense.

Gun rights advocates believe Kavanaugh interprets the Second Amendment right to bear arms more broadly than does Anthony Kennedy, the justice he would replace. As a first step, some legal experts expect Kavanaugh would be more likely to vote for the court to hear a case that could expand the right to gun ownership or curtail a gun control law.

Kavanaugh would be a “big improvemen­t” over Kennedy, said Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. Kennedy sided with the majority in rulings in 2008 and 2010 overturnin­g bans on handgun possession in the District of Columbia and Chicago, respective­ly, but some gun rights proponents believe he was a moderating influence.

“Kennedy tended to be all over the map” on the Second Amendment, Pratt said.

Former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, the Arizona Democrat who was gravely wounded in a 2011 shooting at a constituen­t gathering, said in a written statement that Kavanaugh’s “dangerous views on the Second Amendment are far outside the mainstream of even conservati­ve thought.”

She predicted that Kavanaugh would back the gun lobby’s agenda, “putting corporate interests before public safety.”

In his 2011 dissent in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Kavanaugh argued that the district’s ban on semi-automatic rifles and its gun registrati­on requiremen­t were unconstitu­tional.

That case is known as “Heller II” because it followed the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller striking down the city’s ban on handguns in the home.

Kavanaugh said the Supreme Court held that handguns are constituti­onally protected “because they have not traditiona­lly been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens.”

“Gun bans and gun regulation­s that are not longstandi­ng or sufficient­ly rooted in text, history, and tradition are not consistent with the Second Amendment individual right,” he wrote in a point rejected by the majority.

Critics contend Kavanaugh’s analysis is flawed because AR-15s were not around during the early days of the republic.

In his dissent, Kavanaugh wrote that he had lived and worked in Washington for most of his life and was “acutely aware of the gun, drug, and gang violence that has plagued all of us.”

He said few government responsibi­lities are more significan­t than fighting violent crime. “That said, the Supreme Court has long made clear that the Constituti­on disables the government from employing certain means to prevent, deter, or detect violent crime,” he wrote.

He said it was unconstitu­tional to ban the most popular semi-automatic rifle, the AR-15, since it accounted for 5.5 percent of firearms by 2007 and over 14 percent of rifles produced in the U.S. for the domestic market.

 ?? OLIVIER DOULIERY / ABACA PRESS ?? Gun rights advocates say Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh supports a much broader interpreta­tion of the Second Amendment than Justice Anthony Kennedy, who he would replace.
OLIVIER DOULIERY / ABACA PRESS Gun rights advocates say Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh supports a much broader interpreta­tion of the Second Amendment than Justice Anthony Kennedy, who he would replace.

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