The Palm Beach Post



“I suppose my cousin needs an occasional triumph,” the Queen of Diamonds sighed to Alice.

At the Mad Hatter’s game, the Red Queens had kept bickering.

“I’m the most potent card in Wonderland,” the Queen of Hearts insisted. “No ace or king dares capture me.”

When Alice played at 3NT, West, the Hatter, led a spade: jack, king, ace.

Alice considered finessing in clubs next, but if East won, he would return a spade to set up the suit, and West might hold the king of hearts as an entry.

If instead Alice led the ace of hearts, then the queen, forcing out West’s only possible entry before his spades were good, the defense might win and lead a third heart, setting up heart tricks for East while he had a club entry.

So Alice led the queen of hearts! The Hatter played low (to win was no better) as the Queen of Hearts roared approval. Alice then started the clubs and had nine tricks even when the finesse lost. To lead the queen of hearts was indeed her correct play.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ AQ2 ♥ AQ ◆ 10 52 ♣ Q J 10 6 3. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two clubs, he bids two hearts and you jump to three spades (forcing). Partner next bids four diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s four diamonds shows slam interest; he would bid four spades otherwise. Cue-bid four hearts. Even if he signs off at four spades, try again by bidding five spades.

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