The Palm Beach Post

Help with honeymoons?

- Write to Heloise in care of The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405-1233 or email


Dear Readers:

Today’s SOUND OFF concerns wedding gifts:

“Dear Heloise: I recently attended the wedding of a friend’s daughter, and since they made no bones about wanting cash for their honeymoon, I gave them $100.

“I was told that asking people to fund a honeymoon is now the new normal for couples getting married. Am I out of step with modern weddings?” — Brandi

W., New Braunfels, Texas

Brandi, we’ve had several letters on this new trend of couples asking for money for their honeymoon. Readers, what would you do if you were asked to give money for a couple’s honeymoon? — Heloise

Fast facts Dear Readers:

Here are some other uses for old newspapers:

■ Cut into narrow strips to use in mice and hamster cages.

■ Use as packing material.

■ Cut into smaller pieces and place in a compost pile.

■ Place on the ground, wet with water from a hose, then cover with soil or gravel to keep weeds from coming up.

— Heloise

Fishing for needles and thread Dear Heloise:

Want a perfect sewing basket for all of your sewing supplies and loose buttons? Use a fishing tackle box. It’s perfect for your scissors, threads, thimbles and more. — Patsy K., Little Creek, Del.

Patsy, great idea!

And the next letter has another useful sewing hint. — Heloise

This hint is ‘sew’ clever Dear Heloise:

If you use a bar of soap with the wrapper on it as a pincushion, it not only will hold a lot of pins, but the soap also will actually lubricate the needles, making them slide easily through various fabrics. — Meghan P., Latrobe, Pa.

Housewarmi­ng gift hints Dear Heloise:

Whenever someone I know moves into a new house, I always give the person a housewarmi­ng gift. Over the years, I’ve found that some items are really appreciate­d more than others because of their usefulness.

Things such as a hand cart, a gift certificat­e to a home-improvemen­t store or hardware store, a set of screwdrive­rs, or even small items such as a flashlight or a basket of energy-efficient light bulbs are a huge help to people when they move. — Judy T., Kingman, Ariz.

Judy, these are excellent suggestion­s. When you move, you may realize you need more light bulbs than you did in your old place, along with shower curtain rings, a hammer or many other items. — Heloise

Tire troubles Dear Heloise:

My concern is about bikes. Kids get them for birthdays and Christmas. As soon as a tire goes flat, the bike becomes useless. Kids need exercise — too much TV and too many video games!

My question is: Can’t tire manufactur­ers make solid bike tires? — A.W. in Temple, Texas

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