The Palm Beach Post

Study: Breast cancer operations may be too risky for frail elderly

- By Liz Szabo Kaiser Health News

WASHINGTON — Surgery is a mainstay of breast cancer treatment, offering most women a good chance of cure.

For frail nursing home residents, however, breast cancer surgery can harm their health and even hasten death, according to a study published this week in JAMA Surgery.

The results have led some experts to question why patients who are fragile and advanced in years are screened for breast cancer, let alone given aggressive treatment.

The study examined the records of nearly 6,000 nursing home residents who had inpatient breast cancer surgery the past decade. It found that 31 to 42 percent died within a year of the proce- dure. That’s significan­tly higher than the 25 percent of nursing home residents who die in a typical year, said Dr. Victoria Tang, lead author and an assistant professor of geriatrics and hospi- tal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

Although her study doesn’t include informatio­n about the cause of death, Tang said she suspects that many of the women died of underly- ing health problems or complicati­ons related to surgery, which can further weaken older patients. Patients who were the least able to take care of themselves before surgery, for example, were the most likely to die within the following year. Dementia also increased the risk of death.

It’s unlikely that many of the deaths were due to breast cancer, which often grows slowly in the elderly, Tang said. Breast cancers often take a decade to turn fatal.

“When someone gets breast cancer in a nursing home, it’s very unlikely to kill them,” said study co-author Dr. Laura Esserman, director of the UCSF breast cancer center. “They are more likely to die from their underlying condition.”

Yet most patients in the study got sicker and less inde- pendent in the year following breast surgery.

Among patients who survived at least one year, 58 per- cent suffered a serious downturn in their ability to perform “activities of daily living,” such as dressing, bathing, eating, using the bathroom or walking across the room.

The high mortality rate in the study is striking because breast surgery is typically considered a low-risk procedure, said Dr. Deborah Korenstein, chief of general internal medicine at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

The paper provided an example of how sick, elderly people can suffer from surgery. An 89-year-old woman with dementia who underwent a mastectomy became confused after surgery and pulled off all her bandages. Health care workers had to restrain her in bed to prevent her from pulling off the bandages again. The woman died 15 months later of a heart attack.

Surgery late in life is more common than many realize. One-third of Medicare patients undergo surgery in the year before they die, according to a 2011 study in The Lancet. Eighteen percent of Medicare patients have surgery in their final month of life and 8 percent in their final week.

Nearly 1 in 5 women with severe cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s disease, get regular mammograms, according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health.

The new study leaves some important questions unanswered.

The paper didn’t include healthier nursing home residents who are strong enough to undergo outpatient surgery, said Dr. Heather Neuman, a surgeon and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. These women may fare better than those who are very ill.

Esserman and Tang said their findings suggest doctors need to treat breast cancer differentl­y in very frail patients.

“People think, ‘Oh, a lumpectomy is nothing,’” Esserman said. “But it’s not nothing in someone who is old and frail.”

In recent years, doctors have tried to scale back breast cancer therapy to help women avoid serious side effects. In June, for example, researcher­s announced that sophistica­ted genetic tests can help predict which breast cancers are less aggressive, a finding that could allow 70 percent of patients to avoid chemothera­py.

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