The Palm Beach Post

Catholic diocese rocked by abuse allegation­s

Church now paying for refusal to take part in yearly audits.

- By Grant Schulte

LINCOLN, NEB. — For more than a decade, a conservati­ve Catholic diocese in Nebraska was the only church in the U.S. that refused to participat­e in annual reviews of sexual misconduct that were a key reform enacted in the wake of the 2002 Boston clergy abuse scandal.

As a new wave of abuse scandals rock the Roman Catholic church, critics say the Diocese of Lincoln is now paying the price for its unwillingn­ess to change and its lack of transparen­cy.

Accusers have been coming forward in recent weeks with allegation­s of sexual abuse and misconduct by clergy in Nebraska, and the diocese is facing a potential criminal investigat­ion and criticism that it mishandled abusive priests even as it should have been subjected to increased scrutiny after the Boston scandal.

From 2002 to 2015, leaders of the Lincoln diocese refused to participat­e in annual audits designed to uncover sex abuse allegation­s and gauge how well church officials were complying with child-protection policies. Church leaders called the audits a pointless endeavor that assumed wrongdoing by the diocese and its priests, but one of the bishops during that period knew of at least two allegation­s against priests, according to interviews and a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

“I think the closed nature of the diocese made this worse,” said Rachel Pokora, a member of the Catholic reformist group Call to Action. “Even if the audits never revealed anything — and I think they probably would have — it still shows an unwillingn­ess to be open.”

The Nebraska attorney general’s office has spoken with at least two accusers and urged others to come forward about abuse in the diocese. Lincoln police are also investigat­ing a priest accused of having an “emotionall­y inappropri­ate, non-sexual relationsh­ip” with a 19-yearold male altar server that involved alcohol in 2017, church officials said.

A Lincoln police spokesman confirmed the investigat­ion but declined to comment further. On Wednesday, the diocese unveiled a new, anonymous hotline and website to take complaints.

The scandals come amid accusation­s that Pope Francis was complicit in the face of sex-abuse allegation­s against a former high-ranking car- dinal in Washington, D.C., and a grand jury investigat­ion that identified more than 1,000 child victims in Pennsylvan­ia.

Many of the new alle- gations in Lincoln focus on the actions of the Rev. James Benton, a 71-yearold priest who retired last year despite church leaders knowing about abuse allegation­s against him for at least 15 years.

Dr. Stan Schulte, a 37-yearold chiropract­or in Lincoln, said Benton, his uncle, molested him at a rectory sleepover in the early 1990s when he was a boy. Another Lincoln man, Jeffrey Hoover, reported a similar experience with Benton during a camping trip in the early 1980s while he and the priest slept in the same bed.

Church officials said they didn’t have enough evidence to pursue charges. Benton has not been charged with a crime, although the two men have spoken with an inves- tigator from the Nebraska attorney general’s office.

A diocese spokesman, the Rev. Nick Kipper, said church officials would not comment beyond statements from the current bishop, the Rev. James Conley.

Hoover said he reported his experience to a priest in 1997 and directly to then-Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz in 2002. Schulte notified the diocese in 2017 and said he probably would not have been molested if the diocese had properly responded to Hoover’s allegation­s.

Bruskewitz led the Lincoln diocese until 2010 and was the bishop who refused to participat­e in the audits, saying the diocese was already following all civil and Catholic laws. He argued that some members of the board that oversaw the audits were “advocates of partial-birth abortion, other abortion, human cloning and other moral errors.”

“It is understand­able then how such persons could dislike the Diocese of Lincoln, which upholds the moral teaching of the Catholic Church,” Bruskewitz said in a 2006 statement.

Under the audits, participat­ing dioceses must disclose cases of sexual abuse and misconduct to a national review board that compiles all cases for an annual public report that shows the number of allegation­s and makes recommenda­tions for how churches can improve.

The Lincoln Diocese is one of the nation’s most conservati­ve, a reputation high- lighted by its refusal to allow female altar servers. Virtually all Catholic churches eliminated their bans shortly after the Vatican lifted the restrictio­n in 1994.

Conley, who succeeded Bruskewitz, reversed the dio- cese’s policy on the audits and began participat­ing in them in 2015 after declaring that the process had improved from its previous methodolog­y.

Benton has denied the allegation­s and an investigat­ion didn’t turn up enough evi- dence to prosecute, according to a May 7 letter the diocese sent to Schulte. But the church offered to reimburse Schulte up to $3,000 for counseling if he submitted receipts showing where he had sought treatment. Schulte said he felt it was intrusive for church officials to know where he went.

The church also promised to keep Benton at a home for retired priests and said it would not let him help with Lincoln church services.

Benton retired in fall 2017 after new allegation­s surfaced, and the church imposed new restrictio­ns to prevent the priest from engaging in public ministry in the diocese and banned him from being alone with minors.

The cases came to light after a defrocked priest leveled allegation­s this month against the late Monsignor Leonard Kalin, the former pastor of the University of Nebraska’s Newman Center. Kalin served at the Newman Center from 1970 to 1998, and died in 2008.

 ??  ?? The Diocese of Lincoln, which refused for years to participat­e in annual sex abuse audits, now is facing a potential criminal investigat­ion and criticism that it mishandled priests who were accused of sexual assault and morally questionab­le behavior.
The Diocese of Lincoln, which refused for years to participat­e in annual sex abuse audits, now is facing a potential criminal investigat­ion and criticism that it mishandled priests who were accused of sexual assault and morally questionab­le behavior.
 ?? PHOTOS BY NATI HARNIK / AP ?? Jeffrey Hoover alleges that the Rev. James Benton touched him inappropri­ately while they were sharing a bed on a camping trip in the early 1980s, when Hoover was around 10 years old.
PHOTOS BY NATI HARNIK / AP Jeffrey Hoover alleges that the Rev. James Benton touched him inappropri­ately while they were sharing a bed on a camping trip in the early 1980s, when Hoover was around 10 years old.

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