The Palm Beach Post



“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help aspiring players improve technique and develop logical thinking.

Two-way guesses for missing queens are vexing. But in fact, the proper “guess” may not be a guess.

At four spades, South ruffed the third heart and set out to guess the queen of trumps: He led to the king and back to his jack. Alas, West produced the queen and led a fourth heart. South ruffed and cashed his ace of trumps, but when East discarded, West was in control. South went three down.

South’s guess in trumps was a non-guess. At Trick Four he must let the jack ride. As the cards lie, the jack wins, and South takes the king, returns a club to his hand and cashes the ace of trumps. He then runs the clubs, losing only to West’s queen of trumps.

If East had the queen of trumps, he could do no damage. If he led a fourth heart, declarer could ruff in dummy and still draw trumps and run the clubs.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ K5 ♥ Q73 ◆ A10 642 ♣ Q 4 2. Your partner opens one club, you bid one diamond, he raises to two diamonds and you try 2NT. Partner then bids three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner suggests a minimum hand with no desire to play at either game or at notrump. He should have a hand such asA62,52,KQ7,KJ1076, and no game contract will be a favorite. Pass or bid three diamonds. To persist with 3NT would be a breach of discipline.

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