The Palm Beach Post



If there were an Olympic event for pessimism, Cy the Cynic might enter — but he wouldn’t like his chances of winning. Cy expects the worst and is seldom disappoint­ed.

Cy became declarer at today’s four spades doubled, and West took two high hearts and shifted to the jack of clubs. Cy won a finesse with dummy’s queen and saw that he could take the rest, for a glorious victory, with favorable breaks: K-A of trumps, ace of clubs, club ruff, and a trump to dummy to discard diamonds on the good clubs.

But since the Cynic routinely expects bad breaks, he led a LOW club from dummy at the fourth trick. West won and led a trump, and Cy won with dummy’s 10 and ruffed a club. He drew trumps with the K-A and ran the clubs. Making four.

Cy goes down if he leads a trump to his hand at Trick Four and returns a club to dummy’s ace. East will ruff and lead a diamond. Cy can’t set up and cash the long clubs, so he must finesse with the queen. West’s king wins the setting trick.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 5 ♥ AK93 ◆ K10 74 ♣ K J 10 9. You are the dealer. What is your opening call?

ANSWER: Some players would open one diamond, intending to bid two clubs next if responder bids one spade or 1NT. That plan is risky. I recommend opening one club and bidding 1NT over a one-spade response. It’s not a perfect plan, but it will let you stay low.

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