The Palm Beach Post

Read 1,000 books before kindergart­en?

- Sarah Atwood Lansing State Journal USA TODAY NETWORK – MICHIGAN

LANSING, Mich. – Angela Zeigerbach­er was well aware of the value of reading to young children, but she was taken aback when the pediatrici­an who had helped deliver her daughter earlier that day suggested she start reading to her right away.

“And I was kind of like, ‘What do you read to a newborn?' ... and the pediatrici­an said, ‘Anything'.”

When Zeigerbach­er and her husband, Brett, brought Anja home to East Lansing from the hospital a few days later in the summer of 2020, she dug through boxes of books from her childhood. The couple began reading to Anja every night before bed.

Zeigerbach­er is three years into the “1,000 books before kindergart­en” challenge with Anja. The challenge is a nationwide effort by educators and advocates to encourage early childhood literacy and lifelong reading. The family has read 762 books together so far.

Zeigerbach­er is hoping to expand the effort and increase the love of reading for children in the Lansing area.

One of her close friends, Elise Jajuga, manages A Novel Concept, a bookstore in downtown Lansing. Zeigerbach­er approached her with an idea − to curate a subscripti­on box for children's books for Lansing area families.

“It's important to get books not just in the hands of kids at school, but in their hands at home,” Zeigerbach­er said.

‘There’s so much competing for kids’ attention’

Zeigerbach­er feels that reading, especially for young children, is not as emphasized or encouraged as it was when she was a kid, and she wanted to make reading fun for her daughter and other children her age. She also want

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