The Phoenix

Crisis brings out the best and worst in people

- John Morgan John C. Morgan is a teacher and writer. He can be contacted by email at everydayet­

There’s nothing like a crisis to bring out the best and worst in people.

Take the coronaviru­s as a case in point.

Beginning with the best, I am humbled by the selfless actions of thousands of health care workers — doctors, nurses, techs, social workers, and many others — who are going about taking care of the rest of us, many times in very difficult circumstan­ces. And I especially want to thank those health care advisers and administra­tors who told gave us facts and status reports on what was happening.

I’ve also been thankful for the state and local officials, especially governors, who have been on the front lines of this crisis and told us the truth and also taken steps to minimize the dire impact of the virus upon us, even isolating whole communitie­s to stop its spread. They put public safety above politics.

I’ve also taken stock of the many small and unnamed acts of compassion I have seen the past few days from store clerks covering their mouths when coughing to the staff of a healthcare facility showing patience and comfort when responding to my concerns.

These may not seem much when we see what is happening in the world, but every seemingly little act makes a difference to those of us who by right of age or health situations are especially vulnerable.

Now the worst situations. I’ve watched a number of people who denied the reality of the virus and went about coughing and sneezing their way toward infecting the rest of us.

The other day someone at the gym on a treadmill next to me coughed without covering his mouth. I got down from my treadmill but not before saying to him to cover his mouth the next time.

I was going to ask for his phone number in case I came down with the virus, but decided that might not be the best approach. But the point is well taken that it will take each and all of us to deal with this crisis.

And now the worst cases I have witnessed these past few days from politician­s and commentato­rs.

When President Trump called the situation around the virus a “hoax” because he appeared to be more concerned about the stock market and his reelection campaign, he showed what a leader should not do — put himself and politics before the welfare of the people.

And when television and radio commentato­rs talked more about the last administra­tion’s handling of a health crisis more than the existing ones than the existing health crisis, they not only showed their political bias but their concern for those of us facing the current one.

We’ll make it through this crisis but not without losing people and testing our healthcare system.

Maybe we can learn that we need effective and competent politician­s who plan ahead and lead by example and plan for the resources to build our healthcare system not reduce funding for it.

I’ve been surprised the last few days by the people who constantly complain about government services now wanting more of it to be helpful.

 ??  ?? John C. Morgan
John C. Morgan

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