The Pilot News

Plymouth BPWS award bid for Lake Ave demolition


The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety awarded Langfeldt Excavating LLC the demolition project at 701 W. Lake avenue.

The excavating company from Plymouth was the lowest bidder out of three that were opened the prior board meeting. The bid was $12,900.

Utility Superinten­dent Donnie Davidson updated the board concerning the Digester Renovation Project. It had been put on hold a few months back.

“The materials have been removed from the digester. The inspection has occurred. We did discover additional damage within the digester. We did have considerab­le savings on the removal of the material,” Davidson said.

Davidson said that there would be some additional welding and some reinforcem­ents to the site skirts. He informed the board that there will be some additional costs due to the unforeseen damages.

“But at this stage, it’s pretty much been a tradeoff and we are still within budget,” Davidson said.

He discussed the lift station, force main project that’s located near Centennial Crossings on Plymouth Goshen Trail.

“By the end of the week, all of the force main will be installed from the lift station up to the Goshen Road and the State Road 17 lift station. It’s about a 1,000 feet,” he said. “Everything is on schedule and on budget.”

The board then approved a request from Police Chief David Bacon. The request was to extend an offer of employment to Joshua Baker. Baker is looking to move his family to the area to be closer to friends. He’s currently a Colorado state patrol officer.

During the prior BPWS meeting, there was talk about putting up no parking signs on East Laporte Street and Kingston Street due to bus traffic. Street Superinten­dent Jim Marquardt went out to the area the Thursday before the meeting and monitored the traffic during the morning and the afternoon. Marquardt said that each time, the process takes anywhere between 13 to 20 minutes.

“I don’t know if it’s really needed to do anything with the no parking,” said Marquardt.

There was no action taken by the board concerning signs being placed.

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