The Pilot News

There is no I in God

- BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is a retired ELCA pastor living in the Donaldson area

Reflection­s on Deuteronom­y 8:1-20

“He fed you with manna in the wilderness, a food unknown to your ancestors. He did this to humble you and test you for your own good. He did all this so you would never say to yourself, ‘ I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.’ Remember the Lord your God.” Deuteronom­y 8:16-18a

One phrase that I have heard over the years that has a negative tone is, “This person is a self-made man.” Women can be self-made too, but I don’t hear this as much. I am sure by now some readers are either confused why I would bring up this statement or are booing and hissing my words. Isn’t being self-made a positive goal in life? I say no.

Just think back on situations of life you felt were unbearable. a teacher who saw your potential when you could not, gave you extra attention so you would discover answers to problems you struggled with. What about that employer who you knew your qualificat­ions were not that good but gave you a chance anyway? How about your parents, whom you thought were nagging you all the time to do chores; in adult years you develop a strong work ethic? What about that community leader or politician that you didn’t want to approach, who gave you a recommenda­tion that opened doors for you? What about…, I think you get the picture. Whatever you accomplish­ed in life so far, you didn’t do by yourself; somebody helped you.

The people of Israel forgot that God provided what they needed in life. after being released from slavery in Egypt, God provided for them. He gave food when they were hungry. Water when they were thirsty. When they had nothing to speak of to raise their spirits, God called them his children and gave all they needed. If you take a close look at this chapter, their clothes lasted for 40 years; so they didn’t have to worry about what to eat, wear, or who they were in relation to God. Why did God give them trials in life and whatever they needed to survive? God wanted to draw people closer to his loving heart and have them depend on him instead of themselves. In fact, all people should view themselves as God made people.

It is often said that successful people, stand on the shoulders of giants. People and situations that raise you up to greater heights than could ever be imagined. Since we relied on their advice, suggestion­s, and ways of doing things and succeeded; how can anyone say, “I did it all by myself.” Have you thanked that teacher in the past who took interest in you? Or the person who hired you anyway. Or your parents or leader in your community, who thought you had potential when you didn’t? Instead of living like, I did it all, start realizing that we did it together.

In life, there is no I in God. He has given you trials and struggles to build your character. He has brought you through situations that made you feel there is no solution that made you stronger. God has done all these things for you, so that you and I will rely on God who is eternal, rather on our own efforts which is temporary. as Luke 12:31 states, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.” Give thanks that you are a God made person.

Dear Lord, thank you for picking me up when I was down. Thank you for leading me in situations that I thought were dead ends. Thank you for providing for all my needs and loving me into being like you. amen.

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