The Pilot News

Safety refresher


Dear Readers: Time for a refresher on MASKS and CLOTH FACE COVERINGS, courtesy of the Centers for Dis-disease Control and Prevention (www.ww. Here we go!

First off, infants and people withth breathing difficulti­es should NOT wear face coverings to fight COVID. People with breathing problems need to socially distance themselves and wash their hands frequently. Everyone must isolate if they feel sick.

A mask or cloth face covering should cover the nose AND mouth, feel snug but not uncomforta­ble, lay up against the side of the face, secure to the face with ties or ear loops, allow for restrictio­n-free breathing and be machine washable.

Here in San Antonio, there’s a city and county ordinance: All folks 10 years and older must wear a cloth face covering when in public. Your city may have a similar ordinance. Hang in there; we will get through this. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: I stay on top of my resume all the time and update it frequently. The world is moving so quickly that I can’t afford to fall behind.

When I achieve a goal or a reward at work, I’m sure to mark it on my resume. Whether it’s a sales goal I achieved or if I caught an error that saved the company money, I’ll log it on my resume ASAP. -- Ron in California


Dear Readers: When trimming up your Christmas tree, don’t toss the trimmed branches. Their scent is beautiful, and the trimmings are great for decorating, trimming the mantle, forming into a wreath with some holly berries. ... One caveat, though: Some of these can be extremely poisonous to pets and people. Keep trimmings up, up and away.

In case of poisoning, have the phone number of the National Capital Poison Center handy: 1800-222-1222, and be prepared to tell them what plant has been ingested. -- Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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