The Pilot News

Powerless and Unmanageab­le

- Brian a. tapia

We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageab­le. That is an important first step in the twelve step program in which I along with two other men include in our weekly fellowship.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evening Douglas Griffith, Rick Dixon and myself sit down together to experience and share not only our progressio­n in recovery as we battle our addictions, but also in our spiritual strengthen­ing of our Faith in the greatest tool in our recovery tool box, christ the Messiah.

This began in my down time from my daily tasks of being blessed to be an inmate worker while serving time here at the Marshall county correction­al Facility.

During my reading of the Twelve Step Devotional in the Life Recovery Bible I was given the desire to begin a fellowship with other individual­s within the Pod in which I reside that were willing to begin this journey with me.

I discussed my desire with Rick Dixon and together we gathered willing individual­s and informatio­n to get started with our Life Recovery Fellowship and on May 23, 2020 we got started.

The desire to become adept in our Twelve Step of recovery and willingnes­s to grow closer to the God of our own understand­ing has influenced us to continue this Life Recovery Fellowship in our Pod.

The jail programs Director Joshua Pitts has been a guide for us in the 12 steps along with the life Recovery workbook. On December 26th of 2020 Rick Dixon and I both had completed our 12th step.

after having the spiritual awakening as a result of working these steps we still continue our work in Faith and continue to progress forward on our roadmap of recovery while also attempting to share this message with others.

By the Grace of God and other like-minded individual­s our journey can and will be a lifelong travel of recovery.

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