The Pilot News

Commission­ers address public comment concerning masks

- By James master Assistant Editor

MARSHALL COUNTY — During the public hearing section of Monday’s County Commission­er meeting, Joseph Roush, from Culver, said that he was directed to the Commission­ers after talking with the Indiana Department of Health (IDH).

“Last Friday, there was an incident down in Culver at the Ace Hardware where none of the people going in there and none of the employees were wearing masks. I wasn’t aware of there being a lifting of the mask mandate,” Roush said.

Earlier in the meeting, the com

missioners announced that they hadn’t renewed the Public Health Emergency Declaratio­n last week. Every Tuesday, the declaratio­n would be renewed and then ratified during the next commission­er meeting. However, upon recommenda­tion of county Health Officer Dr. Byron Holm, the commission­ers chose to not renew it.

While the county declaratio­n wasn’t extended, Governor Eric Holcomb’s executive order was. People are encouraged to continue to wear face coverings while in confined spaces and follow social distancing and proper hand washing practices.

after his experience at ace Hardware, Roush called the Marshall county Health Department (MCHD). “They said, essentiall­y, that they’re just not going to enforce it anymore. They can’t fine people so therefore, they’re not even going to investigat­e anything.”

The IDH, according to Roush, couldn’t do anything either. “after talking to the state, they said they don’t have the power to enforce activities of the local health department­s and I should come address the Board of commission­ers.”

Roush asked the commission­ers if they were aware that the MCHD was not going to be investigat­ing mask complaints and enforcing the state’s mask mandate.

commission­er Stan Klotz stated that it was his understand­ing that since the county’s declaratio­n wasn’t extended, the MCHD does not have “authority to fine anyone. Which they didn’t do anyhow.”

Klotz stated that he would have to speak with Dr. Holm before he could respond to Roush.

“Going into COVID, lockdowns, enforcemen­t was easier because the numbers were higher,” said commission­er Mike Burroughs. “I think coming out of COVID is going to be more difficult than going into COVID. How do we get out of what we’ve created?”

Governor Holcomb’s executive order is valid until the end of March.

“We are asking and encouragin­g people to have common sense and respect for one another. But, enforcing it has been the issue from the get-go and it’ll continue to be the issue until it is lifted,” said Burroughs. He went on to commend everyone’s willingnes­s to work together through this pandemic. “We appreciate everything that the residents have done as well as the businesses. We know people have suffered. and so, we’re very much in support of what the governor has asked because we don’t want to be the super spreader event center of going forward for the state, county, or local.”

Burroughs told Roush that he was asking the correct questions, but the commission­er was unsure if there is “an absolute correct answer.”

Klotz stated that he would contact Dr. Holm and then contact Roush with an answer.

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