The Pilot News

Joint Statement by Community Recovery Coalition of Statewide Associatio­ns Outlines Strategies for Investing Recovery Funds, Leveraging Resources for Long-term Gains


The infusion of funding provided through the Congressio­nal American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Indiana General Assembly’s 2022/2023 biennial budget represents an extraordin­ary, once-in-a-generation opportunit­y to shape the future of Indiana’s communitie­s and residents’ lives in transforma­tional ways. We, the undersigne­d, urge elected officials, policymake­rs, and civic leaders to consider a strategic and deliberate approach in determinin­g how to best invest and leverage those funds to achieve long-term gains, as outlined below.

Schools, municipal and county agencies, nonprofits, community groups, and other local organizati­ons have faced unpreceden­ted challenges over the past fifteen months, and understand­ably, most are looking to this funding to address continuing needs, fill identified gaps, and replace lost revenue. With that, there is significan­t public and institutio­nal demand to allocate these relief and recovery dollars rapidly, in ways that produce immediate, observable results.

For these funds to have the greatest impact on the Hoosier state, it is imperative that elected and civic leaders pause and step back, consider their overall values and vision, gather informatio­n and perspectiv­es from a broad base of constituen­cies, and determine the best course of action to meet local, regional, and state needs. We appreciate the urgency of the challenges faced and the desire to show swift action, but we cannot afford to invest in things that do not achieve sustained vibrancy and prosperity for our communitie­s and people.

Our organizati­ons believe firmly that investment­s must address community conditions— jobs and wages, housing and transporta­tion, education and childcare, public health and clinical services, and social and cultural

opportunit­ies—in ways that more equitably impact the overall health, wellbeing, and quality of life of our residents.

A thoughtful, measured approach to spending should reflect these strategies:

• Develop and implement a transparen­t and inclusive process that solicits diverse input and engagement among individual­s and organizati­ons.

• Engage the full ecosystem of community partners to expand the range of ideas and contributo­rs to solutions.

• Prioritize spending that will yield longterm improvemen­ts.

• Identify strategic opportunit­ies that have emerged over the past year.

• Apply funds in a way that, to adopt Governor Holcomb’s phrase, takes Indiana communitie­s and its residents to the ‘next level.’

• Embrace the Hoosier tradition of fiscal stewardshi­p to guide the process for determinin­g how, when, where and in what to invest.

• Use a balance of data, existing plans, and new input to inform decisions and drive the process.

• Establish a formal process by which community members and groups can access available funds.

• Document, track, and share the process for decision-making and the specifics of how money is spent within the community.

We have a tremendous opportunit­y to pair the challenges and lessons of the pandemic with these recovery resources to shape a stronger, more resilient future.

Be visionary. Be collaborat­ive. Be transforma­tive.

Signed by:

Accelerate Indiana Municipali­ties (AIM) Associatio­n of Indiana Counties

Indiana Associatio­n of Regional Councils (IARC)

Indiana Chamber Executives Associatio­n (ICEA)

Indiana Economic Developmen­t Associatio­n (IEDA)

Indiana Library Federation (ILF) Indiana Philanthro­py Alliance (IPA) Indiana Public Health Associatio­n (IPHA) Indiana Tourism Associatio­n (ITA) Indiana United Ways

Indiana Workforce Developmen­t Board Alliance

Prosperity Indiana

Purdue Extension

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