The Pilot News

Alternativ­e treatments exist to treat impotence


DEAR ABBY: I think you missed an important considerat­ion in your March 25 advice to the widower who had had prostate surgery and was afraid to tell a prospectiv­e girlfriend he couldn’t have sex.

My husband and I are in our 60s and he has a similar condition. But we have become creative, and our sex life is better than it was when we were younger. Penetratio­n is not the only way to share sexual intimacy. In fact, it’s overrated.

The only limitation on lifelong sexual satisfacti­on is your own imaginatio­n and inventiven­ess. Yes, “Going Forward in Virginia” may want to settle for a sexless companions­hip with his new love, but he sure doesn’t have to. -- KNOWS IN WEST VIRGINIA

DEAR KNOWS: Many readers wrote to me expressing your sentiments. Others shared possible medical solutions for dealing with impotence. Despite the intimate nature of the topic, they were generous in offering support to “Going Forward.” Read on:

DEAR ABBY: “Going Forward” should consult a urologist about his condition. Specifical­ly, he should ask the urologist if a prescripti­on for Tri-mix would be appropriat­e. It’s a compound of three components that enables an individual with ED resulting from a prostatect­omy to engage in normal sexual relations. It’s delivered via a selfadmini­stered injection. The urologist will instruct “GF” how to do it.

I had a prostatect­omy 12 years ago and experience­d ED as a result. I have been using Tri-mix since then, and I’m happy to say I have continued to enjoy a normal physical relationsh­ip with my wife. -- TOM IN FLORIDA

DEAR ABBY: An inflatable implant may be the answer for “Going Forward.” If he is in generally good health, he may be a good candidate for this procedure, which is not considered major surgery and is covered by some insurance policies, including Medicare. The implant is the greatest thing since sliced bread. My wife and I know because I have one. There is some pain during recovery, but it is SO worth it. “Going Forward” should have a conversati­on with his doctor, who should have already told him about this option. -- TESTIFYING IN SOUTH CAROLINA


DEAR ABBY: I have a friend who insists on bringing food whenever I invite her over for an event (birthday party, Thanksgivi­ng, etc.). It doesn’t matter what she cooks, Abby, it’s always awful. Everyone tries whatever it is she made, but then spits it out. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I don’t want her to bring anything ever again that isn’t store-bought. How can I tell her tactfully? -- REPULSED IN VIRGINIA

DEAR REPULSED: Tell your generous friend that you appreciate the thought behind what she has been doing, but when you invite guests over YOUR MENU IS ALREADY SET. She is the kind of “helpful” guest who should be “commission­ed” to bring a store-bought beverage, dinner rolls or napkins.

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