The Pilot News

‘Making Witnesses’

- THE BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is the Spiritual Support Director at the Catherine Kasper Home in Donaldson.

John 20:24-31

“In his disciples’ presence Jesus preformed many other miracles which are not written down in this book. But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life.” John 20:30&31

The word Gospel means Good News. All four of the gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into our lives; both physically and spirituall­y. However, the Gospel of John has a different story to tell then the other three. The first three writers offers the reader the types of ministry Jesus had among people. If you look close at the first words Jesus said in the first three gospels, that is the mission that Jesus had among the people. Some of the stories are the same, some are different; but they all inform you of what you are to do as believer in Jesus. But not John, he is different.

Back in those days, a disciple was a person who was with Jesus physically, walking with and hear what he had to say. An apostle was a person who came to believe in Jesus as Messiah through the witness of a disciple who actually learned from Jesus. So why was John so different? Because his interest was to make eye witnesses of Jesus Christ. The definition of an eye witness was that a person had to have been with Jesus from the event of his baptism through his resurrecti­on. You may be thinking that after a number of years all the eye witnesses would have died leaving only apostles, right? Not for John. John’s desire is to make you and me eye witnesses of Jesus Christ; how can he do this?

There are 21 chapters in the Gospel of John. Read each one carefully and see what he says about Jesus. Each chapter is like a photo gallery saying something about Jesus and who he is. He is healer, comforter, shepherd…go on and read each one saying who Jesus is. Put them all together and you get the full picture of Jesus as Messiah. Many of the stories John offers to the reader are different then what the other gospel writers offer. But knowing this is not what makes a person an eye witness of Jesus Christ. So what does?

Read each chapter of John carefully again. Who do you notice is present from Jesus’ baptism through his resurrecti­on? It is John himself, he puts himself into each situation; so you and I can be an eye witness of Jesus Christ. He is at the River Jordan, he witnesses healings that Jesus did. He heard the many teachings Jesus gave. He was at the foot of the cross, at the empty tomb and in the upper room when Jesus walked through the locked door to show his disciples he was alive.

Now look at the two verses from John that I am referring to: “In his disciples’ presence Jesus performed many other miracles which are not written in this book. But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life.” Do you understand now. Through the eye witness of John, all who read these words and believe that Jesus is the Messiah; are first hand eye witnesses of Jesus.

Dear Lord, I have come to believe you as my Lord and that was that. But now I understand you are calling me through the witness of John, to witness to others through the experience­s I have with you. Empower me with your Holy Spirit to dedicate the rest of my life to be an eye witness to your mission in the world. Amen.

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