The Pilot News

The Opportune Time

Reflection­s on John 4:1-13

- BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is the Interim Pastor for St. John's-north Liberty and Immanuelpl­ymouth Lutheran Churches in shared ministry.

“When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunit­y came.” Luke 4:13

At the beginning of our Lenten journey, we saw the devil tempting Jesus, to try to be greater than God if Jesus succumbed to the tempter. Jesus was hungry after being in the wilderness towards 40 days. Even though the devil was crafty tempting Jesus, Jesus did not buckle under the pressure. It says the devil left Jesus until another opportunit­y to defeat him.

Tomorrow, the opportune time has arrived, in the Passon Week of Jesus’ life. Many of us have heard and read these scriptures for years. I remember as a kid I feared going through the last days of Jesus’ life, it was scary to think people could turn against Jesus. As I grew into adulthood I understood on a deeper level, this just wasn’t a series of stories read and heard; it took root in the very issue of salvation for everyone in the world.

Let me suggest you place yourself this Passion Week with Jesus: On Sunday see yourself waving palm branches, cheering Jesus on as the Messiah; King David’s son. Then witness Jesus clearing the temple from all the sellers and money changers. Go with Jesus and see the results of his condemning an olive tree that had leaves but no fruit. Feel with the disciples the anger that someone would betray him and witness receiving money to hand Jesus over to the authoritie­s. Witness Jesus praying in the garden to make sure this was God’s will. Follow Peter as he denied ever knowing Jesus. Be among the crowd shouting crucify him, CRUCIFY HIM! See Jesus dying on the cross, saying words, Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. See him give up his spirit for sins you have done in your life. Dead. Hanging on the cross. Lifeless.

Why go through all of this? Passion Week is the battlegrou­nd where the devil is trying to defeat God. He comes at all who believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior because he didn’t defeat Jesus in the wilderness; he comes at all of us outside of God’s Holy City to take us all from God’s peace, love, and joy. Will you stand firm with Jesus? Or will the devil defeat you?

I hope you will do this spiritual exercise with me this week; for if you do, you will have the most celebrativ­e Easter you will have experience­d in your life.

Dear Lord, your Passion for all people is encompassi­ng. The suffering you did for me makes me think why do this for sinful people? Then I remember, it is your opportune time to lead us closer to the Father’s love. Amen.

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