The Pilot News

Teaching Goal Setting


When you want something, turn your want into a goal. A goal has to have a plan. A plan is a road map for your goal. Setting a goal and having a plan is something I learned about in my Mary Kay business. As a Mary Kay Director I taught Goal Setting many times.

The simplest way to teach goal setting was to remember to make it a SMART goal. S is for specific. You can’t just say you want something; you must be specific. M is for measurable. You need to know how you’re progressin­g toward your goal. A is for attitude. You need to have a good attitude. It’s been said that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. I’ve also heard it said that “Attitude is everything!” R is for realistic. Your goal must be realistic. For most people it’s not realistic to set a goal to earn a million dollars in the next few years on an average salary. If the goal is unrealisti­c, you won’t believe it can happen so you may not even start. T stands for time frame. You need a plan with a deadline.

I have also heard that the teacher learns more than the student. Therefore, I’m writing this as if I’m the teacher because I need to learn or relearn much of this. There is much more that could go into a lesson on goal setting, but this is an abbreviate­d version.

You can break it into smaller parts, each with a time frame. For me, a deadline is probably the most important part. I’ve always said if I didn’t have a deadline, I wouldn’t get anything done.

Over the next couple weeks and months, we have several things going on in our lives and I need to break my goals into smaller parts, so I don’t get caught up in the busyness and not see the results. Sometimes I need to know I’m accomplish­ing baby steps toward the bigger goal.

The next big thing on my list is the “Celebrate & Support Our Troops” fundraiser for Operation: Quiet Comfort. It will be April 18th, one week from the day this is published. Yikes! This is the time I need to remember to breathe and not panic. I KNOW it will come together as it always does, but sometimes…

We are also making some changes to our building behind our house. I don’t know whether to call it remodeling or renovating. I think remodeling is the correct descriptio­n. My mind is racing with plans and possibilit­ies! I wish my budget would keep up.

We’re also trying to find a date for another grandkids’ trip. We have two granddaugh­ters that haven’t been on a trip with us. They are 18 and 15 and so busy, it’s hard to coordinate schedules. Hopefully they will be able to figure something out.

Kenny and I need to plan a short trip for a weekend in June. Our daughter that lives in Michigan has a friend that lives in Noblesvill­e and they want some girl time together. Our daughter decided our home was a halfway point and would be a great place for a girlfriend’s get-away weekend, so she asked us when we would be gone. They used to borrow the car, now they want to borrow the house. At least she asked this time. There may or may not have been more than one gathering at our home when our children were teenagers, and we were away!

So, as always, a lot’s going on in our lives. It’s all good. I just need to set goals, make a plan, break it down and have a deadline.

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