The Pilot News

Jeff Wojcik County Council - At Large


Hello my name is Jeff Wojcik. For those of you that don’t remember me I ran for Marshall County Sheriff two years ago. At that time I noticed that the people running for County Council were two groups with two different ways of doing things.

Now I’m running for County Council - At Large and I noticed signs out and can tell who is budding up with who. I will not be putting any signs out. They don’t vote people do.

I don’t have deep pockets to campaign with so I ask the voters to spread my name around.

On April 9th my neighbors and I attended a Zoning Board meeting. We were totally shocked by how much the county government invades your private affairs as to what you can or can’t do with your own private property. We watched people ask permission for something that they wanted to do and had all the rights by the State without county interferen­ce. But not in Marshall County.

One person was even told during the meeting that he could do what he was planning but it would cost him three times as much for his permit. Another person had to ask permission to sell 19 acres off his field in a private sale and there was some more cases like this.

What’s next voters of Marshall County Elected Officials just walk into your home and for through your personal affairs with complete immunity.

A Lawyer told me decades ago that the first thing you learn in law school is “anything that is written can be rewritten”. Marshall County ordinances need to be rewritten.

I want the citizens of Marshall County to vote their conscience and how they want the future to go.

In closing I ask for your support and vote on May 7th for change. No more illegal meetings. No invasion of private property. Thank you.

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