The Record (Troy, NY)

Exercise releases chemicals to improve heart health

- Anthony Komaroff

I’ve heard it many times: Regular exercise helps prevent cardiovasc­ular disease. But how does it do that? First, let’s define terms, to be sure we’re all on the same page. “Cardiovasc­ular disease” (CVD) is a catch-all term. It includes heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure (hypertensi­on), atheroscle­rosis and heart failure. Regular (not just occasional) exercise improves cardiovasc­ular health in a number of ways:

• Exercise lowers blood plaque buildup. Atheroscle­rosis is the buildup of fatty deposits (plaques) inside the walls of arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to all of the organs of the body. Plaques are filled primarily with LDL cholestero­l — “bad cholestero­l.” They can narrow blood vessels and block oxygen-rich pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of CVD as well as many other health problems. Regular exercise lowers blood pressure, even in people whose blood pressure is normal.

• Exercise prevents blood from reaching the body’s organs, including the heart and the brain. (I’ve put an illustrati­on of this process on my website, AskDoctorK.

Exercise increases levels of HDL cholestero­l — “good cholestero­l.” HDL helps prevent fat accumulati­on in artery walls. Exercise also lowers levels of LDL cholestero­l and triglyceri­des, another type of fat.

• Exercise protects arteries. Artery walls are lined with a very thin layer of cells known as the endotheliu­m. In healthy arteries, the endotheliu­m produces chemicals that cause the artery walls to relax. That makes the arteries grow wider, and that helps blood to flow through them. As you age, the endotheliu­m loses some ability to secrete these chemicals. As a result, an artery in which blood flow is partially blocked by a plaque is less able to widen and help increase the flow of blood. Exercise helps counter this process.

• Exercise makes clots less likely. Plaques have caps made of fibers. These caps normally hold in the fatty material that is inside the plaque. However, some plaques are “vulnerable”: The cap can rupture, causing the fat to spill into the inside of the artery. This causes a blood clot to form that blocks the flow of blood.

A big part of every blood clot are little cell fragments in the blood called platelets. They stick together and form a clot. Regular exercise causes platelets to be less “sticky,” making it less likely that blood will clot. Exercise also encourages your body to release substances that break down clots.

• Exercise promotes new small arteries in the heart. Aerobic exercise increases your body’s demand for oxygenbloo­d. In response, your body may cause small arteries in the heart to grow larger, or even to create new ones. If an artery were to become blocked in the future, blood could continue flowing to the heart through these alternate blood vessels.

How does regular exercise do all this? Recent research, much of it here at Harvard Medical School, has shown that regular exercise causes muscle and fat cells to release chemicals that travel through the blood to other organs. These chemical signals produce the healthy changes.

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