The Record (Troy, NY)

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In a recent interview with the Washington Post, Democratic senate minority leader Harry Reid told a reporter that lying about Mitt Romney not paying his income taxes during the last presidenti­al campaign was the best thing he’d ever done. How can this man criticize anybody?

••• To the person who says they’re being harassed by phone calls supposedly from the IRS, the IRS does not make phone calls, so this is obviously a scam. Tell the callers the numbers are being traced and turned over to proper authoritie­s, and I guarantee you won’t get those phone calls again.

••• To the man who complained about the lady in front of him at Price Chopper, who bought $30 worth of food with food stamps, then bought $30 worth of dog food with cash. He said it was appalling. First of all, it’s none of your business. Second, I’m sure you’re one who doesn’t care about the thousands of homeless animals who will be put to death, never having been loved. Kudos to that lady and her lucky dog. You are appalling, sir.

••• In looking at the future of a Hillary presidency to predict our country’s future, we need look no further than Europe. Europe has allowed hundreds of thousands of refugees into their countries. They now deal almost constantly with attacks by Islamists. Hillary has stated that she want to allow close to one million refugees into our country during her first term. Many of these refugees will have links to ISIS and will compete with Americans for what few low-wage jobs remain in this country.

••• We should be a lot more concerned about Hillary’s ethical health – regarding her total lack of morals and pathologic­al lying – than anything Donald Trump has said or done.

••• Few people remember that back in the middle 1990s Donald Trump fought for and won the desegregat­ion of a country club in Florida. Even back then he was fighting for blacks, Jews, the underprivi­leged and the little people, and he still fights for us Americans. The liberal corporate mainstream media is seldom on the side of Trump because it is too biased and it does not fit their agenda, but it can be Googled and found to be true.

••• Regarding the IRS telephone calls that come to our homes, I called Elise Stefanik’s office and she responded to me and wrote to the IRS. I received a letter from the IRS saying it was a scam, and I thank Elise Stefanik for her help. I have not been bothered with any more phone calls.

••• A leopard can’t change its spots. Hillary can’t stop lying and Donald will continue to be Donald. The media will continue to prop up Hillary and call out Donald on his boorish behavior. Regardless of who wins, you can expect the same treatment by the media to continue. Since we can’t vote the media in or out, we’re stuck with who we have reporting the news, and they aren’t going to change. ... America needs a President who tells the truth and a media that holds that person’s feet to the fire.

••• Does anybody realize out there that when a policeman tells you to freeze, you freeze. If he tells you to stop, you stop. “Put your hands up,” put your hands up. Why are these people moving or going into their cars? Why isn’t anyone saying anything about that? Wake up.

••• Stay alive; don’t text and drive!

••• It’s almost comical, the commentary in the September 22 paper by Richard Cohen. He complains about “Trump’s disregard of the truth.” Well, don’t people see Hillary’s compulsive lying, covering up her illnesses, pay-for-play, Benghazi, 30,000 emails erased? I don’t see her being too honest.

••• As Americans and consumers we must stop supporting channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, as most of what they report is biased and contains many lies. In order to get a more balanced view of the current news you need to go to alternativ­e sites such as Drudge Report, Breitbart, Fox News, and even talk radio where you can hear both sides of the issues and average Americans actually call in to discuss the issues.

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