The Record (Troy, NY)

Odd woman left out

- Send your questions for Annie Lane to Annie Lane

DEARANNIE » I was recently placed in a very troubling situation that I think really exemplifie­s the struggles of practicing what you preach. I am part of a large group of friends that formed a giant group-text chain that we all communicat­e in; it’s a nice and easy way to stay in touch while we’re in different places, and having the comfort of a dozen other girls be just the push of a few keys away is great. Obviously, some in the group are closer than others, but it’s nice for all of us to be able to feel as if we belong to something.

One of the girls, “Priscilla,” is much more on the outside than the others. Recently, a few of us were together, and one of the girls, “Gabby,” decided she was going to remove this “odd woman out” from the phone group. I was uncomforta­ble with the situation, but instead of arguing, I turned my head and kept my mouth shut, wanting to claim no part in it.

Priscilla reached out to all of us the next day, asking whether she had been removed. Gabby told her that we had gotten rid of the conversati­on altogether.

Annie, Priscilla must know that she was removed. I have been bullied before and have always been very vocal about standing up for what is right, and now I realize that I had the opportunit­y to stop this from happening but I kept my mouth shut. As a result of this mess, the group chat actually did come to an end, most likely out of everyone else’s guilt. The hard part is that these people are all my friends. I want to reach out to Priscilla, but I know she will ask me what the truth is, and I can’t rat out another friend. I don’t want to have to pick between people I care about or cause problems among friends. I’m disappoint­ed in myself, but more importantl­y, I want to make it right. What do you think the right thing is to do here?

— Fraidy- Cat Friend

DEARFRAIDY-CAT » Though the technology is new, the dilemma is timeless. Being part of a group feels great — but that very feeling so often relies on keeping others out. Gabby is being shortsight­ed and selfish. And to be a true friend to her, you ought to tell her as much. We all need friends to yank us back down to earth occasional­ly. Encourage her to apologize to Priscilla. If she refuses or makes excuses, then it’s time to step in and talk to Priscilla yourself, empathize and reconsider your friendship with Gabby.

DEARANNIE » This is in response to the person who wrote in wondering about the “normal” way to put on socks and shoes. The person asked whether one should put on both socks first or put on a sock and a shoe on one foot first.

It really does not matter much if you do the sock-and-a-shoe, sock-and-ashoe method or the both-socks-thenshoes method. Both end up with the same result. However, it’s the wrong re

Personally, I put on both of my shoes and then put both of my socks on over them. My shoes stay clean and can slide across a smooth surface with little effort. The only downside is, as you might expect, I do spend a lot of money on new socks. — The Guam Guy

DEARGUAM » I knew I could count on my readers for some creative responses to this one. So far, they’ve not disappoint­ed.

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