The Record (Troy, NY)

Stepparent­ing woes


DEAR ANNIE » This is my 36th year as a stepmother, and I am writing in hopes of helping others who are taking the huge step of blending families. My husband, “Nelson,” had custody of his two children, a boy and girl, who were in their early teens when we started dating. Nelson’s ex lived far away, so there were no weekend visits with their mom. Nelson became sick within our first year of dating and relied on me to help with his kids and household so that he could continue to work.

It was apparent from the start that his children were damaged. They were resentful of me and acted out. Years later, after we were married, I found out that Nelson’s children had been molested by their maternal grandfathe­r for several years and that nothing had been done about it. His children didn’t have counseling and never learned to deal with their feelings about the sexual abuse. Today they are grown adults with children of their own. They still refuse any counseling.

I feel that Nelson’s kids treat me the way they do because it’s easier than dealing with their parents. I recently decided that I am removing myself from my husband’s children’s and grandchild­ren’s lives. I am mourning the loss of eight people in my life but have determined that it is less painful to live my life without them in it than to feel the pain of never meeting their expectatio­ns.

Here is my stepparent­ing advice: Do not discipline your stepchildr­en. Be their friend — just because you can! When they’re small, keep them safe and report anything that doesn’t look right. Be a soft place to fall, because they will need it. If your spouse isn’t stepping up to the plate on their behalf, talk privately with your spouse about it. If your spouse is resistant to doing anything to change the situation, walk away, because it never gets better.

As the saying goes, “you teach people how to treat you.” I get that now! — No Longer a Stepparent

DEAR NO LONGER » Though I appreciate your advice to stepparent­s — and that last bit is one of my favorite axioms — I can’t help but wonder whether your severing ties was a little too severe here. You seem to have a good grasp of the way abuse has affected these children and grandchild­ren. As long as they are not being verbally abusive to you, perhaps you could practice healthy detachment without completely cutting off all communicat­ion. You can build an emotional shield around yourself without having it be a wall.

DEAR ANNIE » In response to “Fed Up,” whose coworker always comments on her meal choices, I’d like to say that it’s quite possible the co-worker has an eating disorder. My cousin constantly remarks on my food choices, and I finally realized that her own eating issues are at the heart of her comments and that she is looking for attention about how “healthy” her own food choices are.

— Been There

DEAR BEEN THERE » You could very well be right. Rather than be defensive when someone fixates on our food choices, perhaps we should be concerned for the person.

To anyone worried about a friend or family member’s eating habits, please visit https:// www.nationalea­tingdisord­

As long as they are not being verbally abusive to you, perhaps you could practice healthy detachment without completely cutting off all communicat­ion.

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