The Record (Troy, NY)

MCI a condition of decline in functions


DEAR DOCTOR » My brotherin-law, who recently retired from his job as a research scientist at age 68, has been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. I don’t want to upset my sister with too many questions, so I wonder if you can explain what this means? Is he going to get Alzheimer’s? Can anything be done?

DEARREADER » Mild cognitive impairment is a condition of decline in functions like memory, language and reasoning that is slight but still perceptibl­e. People with MCI will have more trouble than others their age in finding the right words when speaking, and in rememberin­g routine activities like events or appointmen­ts. They begin to lose track of things, like car keys or glasses. They may have lapses in logic or judgment and can sometimes have trouble following the thread of a conversati­on or the plot of a film or book. In some cases, MCI is also associated with a dulling of the sense of smell and difficulti­es with movement. When the condition affects memory, it’s known as amnestic MCI. When motor skills and questions of judgment are involved, it’s known as non-amnestic MCI.

These changes may take place gradually, but eventually they become significan­t enough that close friends and family members will notice. However, they do not approach the severity of symptoms of various types of dementia. For example, the disorienta­tion, mood shifts, personalit­y changes and aggression that are often part of Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia are not present in MCI. The affected in- dividual is often aware that something within him or her is changing, which can be frightenin­g.

Diagnosis often entails a complete medical history, a neurologic­al exam to evaluate the functionin­g of the nerves and reflexes as well as balance and coordinati­on, brain imaging tests, blood tests, cognitive testing and input from individual­s in the patient’s daily life to assess mental status and independen­t function.

The causes of MCI are not yet understood, and thus far there are no drugs or medical treatments to address the condition. Although individual­s diagnosed with MCI have been found to be more likely than others to go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease, the progressio­n is not a certainty.

When it comes to nontraditi­onal treatments, the results are mixed. There is anecdotal evidence that gingko biloba or vitamin E can be helpful, but thus far they have not stood up to the rigors of a clinical trial. Some studies suggest that regular exercise can help with cognition. It is recommende­d that individual­s with MCI take part in regular social activities and engagement, as well as mental challenges and stimulatio­n. A diet of lean protein, healthful fats, and plenty of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens is good and plays a role in cognitive issues as well as cardiovasc­ular health.

It’s kind of you to not push for informatio­n at this time. But do let your sister know you’re available when she needs you. This is a scary time for her as well as for her husband. Knowing you’re close by can help pierce the isolation that a diagnosis like this can cause.

 ?? Eve Glazier + Elizabeth Ko ??
Eve Glazier + Elizabeth Ko

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