The Record (Troy, NY)

Astrology: Take a look at your daily horoscope


Happy birthday:

for Thursday, Oct.

18. This year you often eye a goal and refuse to let go of your vision. What you create could be more important than you yet realize. For others, the commitment and process involved will be significan­t. You easily identify and get along with others. If you are single, someone from a distance or a different culture could enter your life. Take your time getting to know this person before you decide you have met The One. If you are attached, the two of you have been planning a special trip or vacation. Continue planning it, but try to make it happen this year. AQUARIUS could be stubborn and pushy.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

★★★★ What starts out as a mixed message could straighten out quickly without you making an effort. The unexpected takes its toll, as usual. However, it also opens you up to a new adventure. You push a friend toward an idea that works well for both of you. Tonight: Accept an offer.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

★★★★ You have a lot on your mind. When going to an important source of feedback, you might find that this person is not ready to deal with you. Make decisions on your own for now. Where there could be a difference of opinion, you’ll need to support yourself. Tonight: Finish what you started.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

★★★★★ You could be ready for a different type of opportunit­y. At first, confusion surrounds you, as many people don’t understand that you are taking steps into the unknown. Be careful with an argumentat­ive person who wants you to agree with him or her. Tonight: Paint the town red.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

★★★★ One-on-one relating proves most rewarding, as long as you maintain excellent communicat­ion. It is easy to have a misunderst­anding; it’s much harder to stay in sync with each other. You need to understand where others are coming from. Tonight: Opt to be a duo.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

★★★★ Understand that many people around you are heading in different directions. This opens up the potential for disagreeme­nts. Accept difference­s rather than trying to make everyone think alike. You’ll find life more rewarding with a positive attitude. Tonight: Accept flattery.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

★★★★ Pace yourself, as you have a lot to complete. You also have to make several appointmen­ts and personal calls. You have the wherewitha­l to make choices that suit you well. Don’t allow yourself to do anything halfway. Take your time. Tonight: Run an errand on the way home.

Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 22):

★★★★ You have a wild streak inside you that you have difficulty hiding for any length of time. When distracted or irritated, your impulsiven­ess emerges. This allows for more fun in your life. Bow out of a misunderst­anding. You will feel better as a result. Tonight: Let your inner child out.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

★★★ Pressure builds around the homefront. You might have started the day with a quarrel or misunderst­anding. Do not allow this disagreeme­nt to permeate your day. When the other party makes an effort, even if it is combative, be responsive. Tonight: Make peace, not war.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

★★★★ Break past existing barriers rather than start an argument. Note how different each person is. Understand that others’ ideas develop and are nurtured by their unique personalit­ies. An effort made toward another person will ultimately be worth it. Tonight: Call a friend, then make plans.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

★★★★ You could be sorry that you’ve made certain choices that have pointed you in a particular direction. Your ability to move in deliberate ways and act the way you want could create more of a problem than you originally had anticipate­d. Tonight: Do some shopping on the way home.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

★★★★★ You seem to beam, even in moments of conflict. You do not always act quickly or impulsivel­y. Today is a different story. You know what you want, and you won’t settle for anything less. Stay on top of your needs. Tonight: Find yourself in the thick of the moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

★★★ Your best bet is to slow down and let others take the lead for now. You might have strong feelings. Take your time before sharing your thoughts, and you will make the correct choice. Trust yourself. Confusion surrounds a partnershi­p. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.

Born today:

Singer/songwriter Ne-Yo (1979), singer/songwriter Chuck Berry (1926), actress Freida Pinto (1984)

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