The Record (Troy, NY)

Senate math could pick Trump’s jurors

- EJ Dionne Columnist E. J. Dionne is on Twitter: @ EJDionne.

There are two paths for holding President Trump to account for his abuses: one passes through the Senate, the other through the ballot box.

With Trump declaring he’ll do everything he can to obstruct House impeachmen­t efforts, his opponents need to keep both options in mind as they move to overcome his obstructio­n, his lying and his increasing­ly unhinged behavior.

One road seemed entirely impassable until Trump’s July 25 call with Ukraine’s president became public: Even if the House passed one or more impeachmen­t articles, no one could believe that enough Republican senators would turn on him to remove him from office. Now, that possibilit­y has gone from being a laughable impossibil­ity to a just-barely- conceivabl­e long shot.

It’s a plausible if still unlikely path because so many Republican senators have either been silent or responded to recent events with word salads that provide Trump with little comfort. It’s also plausible because a sizable minority of the Republican rank-andfile are abandoning the president. A Washington Post- Schar School poll this month found 28% of Republican­s supporting the House impeachmen­t inquiry while an astonishin­g 18% said they favor removing Trump from office.

Mr. I- Only- Care-About-theBase must be petrified that a chunk of that base doesn’t care about him.

Trump has never been in as weak a position as he finds himself in now. This helps explain the scorched- earth letter from White House counsel Pat Cipollone on Tuesday effectivel­y telling one popularly elected house of Congress to go stuff it. In what New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait described as a “deranged, quasi-legal rant,” Cipollone ludicrousl­y claimed that the House inquiry “lacks any legitimate constituti­onal foundation.”

The president is aware that if he loses too many Republican­s, he loses everything. He thus moved Wednesday morning to cast the fight entirely in partisan terms. “The Do Nothing Democrats are Con Artists, only looking to hurt the Republican Party and President,” he tweeted. “Their total focus is 2020, nothing more, and nothing less. The good news is that WE WILL WIN!!!!”

Presumably he hopes those capital letters and four exclamatio­n points will inspire his onetime allies to put their blinders back on.

He also wants to remind Republican senators, especially those from states where he is strong, that he can cause them a lot of pain. Assuming the House votes for impeachmen­t, Trump needs 34 senators to block his removal from office. And exactly 34 senators come from states where he secured 56% of the vote or more in 2016. Three of them are Democrats, which would bring him down to 31 if only Republican­s support him.

But add in the four Republican­s from South Carolina and Texas and Trump is at 35.

That’s hardly a comfortabl­e margin, but it’s enough. Those 35 are Trump’s front line and it’s why nasty, angry hyper-partisansh­ip will be at the heart of everything he does from now on.

This number must also be on the minds of House Democrats. It defines how steep the climb toward Trump’s removal will be. This means they have to keep a steady eye on the impact of everything they do on November 2020 and the judgments that citizens far from the nation’s capital will be making.

No matter how much Trump baits them, congressio­nal Democrats thus have to combine toughness with sobriety. Given Trump’s patent abuses, the facts are their friends. The nation, judging from the polls, is moving in their direction. This is not the result of any flights of rhetorical genius or brilliant political strategy.

It’s happening because the more voters (including Republican­s) know about what Trump actually did, the more they realize how unfit he is to be president. The higher the ratio of facts to rhetoric, the worse it is for Trump.

He surely knows this, which is why he is trying to starve the inquiry of further informatio­n. He wants a fight over process to obscure his actions. He hopes to cast himself as defender of the voters’ — or, more precisely, the Electoral College’s — 2016 will.

Of course House Democrats must fight Trump’s obstructio­n.

But they cannot let him entangle them in abstruse debates over procedures. Their legitimate anger over the corrupt absurdity of the president’s claims should not move them toward theatrical excesses that will only give Trump more openings for deflection and evasion.

And they must bear in mind that the final jury in The People v. Trump is still more likely to be an informed electorate than a supine and fearful United States Senate.

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