The Record (Troy, NY)

Congress should be insulted but not surprised

- George Will Columnist George Will’s email address is

There are 99 better, or at least less abject, senators.

However, Lindsey Graham, RS.C., is inadverten­tly useful by incessantl­y demonstrat­ing the depths to which senators sink when they jettison institutio­nal responsibi­lities to facilitate subservien­ce to presidents of their party. Consider the contrast between Graham and Mike Lee, R-Utah, concerning Congress’ responsibi­lities regarding war.

Last week, administra­tion officials, in what they evidently considered an optional concession to inferiors, gave a short (75 minutes), closed-door congressio­nal briefing on military action against supposedly imminent threats from Iran. Presidenti­al freedom to unilateral­ly commit acts of war unrelated to imminent threats would amount to an uncircumsc­ribed power to undertake not just limited preemptive actions but to wage preventive war whenever a president unilateral­ly decides this might enhance national security. Lee is famously mild-mannered but wasn’t after what he called an “insulting and demeaning” briefing in which executive branch officials instructed Congress concerning what it can debate: The briefers, who included Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, warned that making military action subject to congressio­nal authorizat­ion might encourage Iranian aggression. Sen. Chris Coons, DDel., asked whether, if the administra­tion decided to take the extreme action of assassinat­ing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, it would at least notify Congress.

The briefers would not say so. Congress last declared war on June 5, 1942, against Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, with a war already raging. This was 78 years and many wars ago. A power neglected, like a muscle never exercised, atrophies. Now Graham explicitly says that even debating, not a declaratio­n of war but merely the wisdom of past military actions and necessary authorizat­ion for future ones, means “empowering the enemy.”

Last April, Pompeo was asked in a Senate hearing: Is the 2001 Authorizat­ion for Use of Military Force against al-Qaida and other nonstate actors responsibl­e for 9/11 sufficient authorizat­ion for the president to wage war 18 years later against Iran? Pompeo laconicall­y said he would prefer to “leave that to lawyers” — presumably those he employs.

With a few exemplary exceptions, notably Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, congressio­nal Democrats, too, have been situationa­l ethicists about their responsibi­lities regarding war. The Obama administra­tion’s shambolic interventi­on in Libya’s civil war, the costs of which are still mounting, proceeded unaccompan­ied by congressio­nal authorizat­ion but swaddled in executive branch sophistrie­s. Barack Obama’s Justice Department vigorously defended what no one denied — that presidents may (BEG ITAL)initiate(END ITAL) military action without congressio­nal approval.

The issue, however, was that the administra­tion, which had said the interventi­on would last

“days, not weeks,” then said that thousands of air strikes, which caused numerous casualties over seven months and had the intended result of regime change, did not constitute “hostilitie­s.”

Last week’s briefing caused Lee to endorse Kaine’s proposal to direct the president to stop engaging in hostilitie­s against Iran or any portion of its government or military unless continuati­on is explicitly authorized by a congressio­nal declaratio­n of war or other authorizat­ion of force. Senate passage of this would take Democratic unanimity and two more Republican­s joining Lee and Kentucky’s Rand Paul in supporting it. The House presumably would concur.

Although Senate Republican­s would subsequent­ly sustain a presidenti­al veto, virtues are habits, and this exercise might be the beginning of congressio­nal involvemen­t in decisions about war and peace becoming habitual.

Presidenti­al discretion is presumptiv­ely greatest regarding foreign relations. And many aspects of the modern age — weapons of mass destructio­n; the swift, perhaps surreptiti­ous and potentiall­y interconti­nental delivery of such weapons; the multiplica­tion of violent nonstate actors — have radically altered the context in which the Framers’ spare language in the Constituti­on’s pertinent provisions must be construed: The Congress has the power “to declare war” (also to “raise and support armies” and “maintain a navy”); the president is commander in chief of the armed forces.

Concerning limits on presidenti­al discretion, there is a large gray area. However, the activity of unilateral­ly preventive wars is not in it.

Coons asked the briefers this: Suppose that in coming months the administra­tion concludes that Iran, having shed the nuclear agreement’s constraint­s, is about to acquire a nuclear weapon. Would you need authorizat­ion from Congress prior to strikes meant to prevent this?

The briefers would not agree even to consultati­on with Congress, although Coons several times restated and narrowed the question. Congress should not be surprised when the executive branch takes Congress’ responsibi­lities regarding war no more seriously than Congress does.

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