The Record (Troy, NY)

DeVos rejects part-time reopening for schools

- By Collin Binkley AP Education Writer

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday assailed plans by some local districts to offer inperson instructio­n only a few days a week and said schools must be “fully operationa­l” even amid the coronaviru­s pandemic. Anything less, she says, would fail students and taxpayers. DeVos made the comments during a call with governors as the Trump administra­tion launched an all- out effort to get schools and colleges to reopen. Audio of the call was obtained by The Associated Press. “Ultimately, it’s not a matter of if schools need to open, it’s a matter of how. School must reopen, they must be fully operationa­l. And how that happens is best left to education and community leaders,” DeVos told governors. President Donald Trump has insisted that schools and colleges return to in-person instructio­n as soon as possible. Trump said Monday on Twitter that Democrats want to keep schools closed “for political reasons, not for health reasons.” “They think it will help them in November. Wrong, the people get it!” Trump tweeted. Trump scheduled a White House event for later Tuesday to press his case for reopening schools. Vice President Mike Pence and education and public health leaders were expected to attend. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put out guidance for schools last month, including staggering schedules, spreading out desks, having meals in classrooms instead of the cafeteria, adding physical barriers between bathroom sinks and cleaning and disinfecti­ng surfaces. In the call with governors, DeVos slammed districts that plan to offer in-person instructio­n only a few days a week. She called out Fairfax County Public Schools, which is asking families to decide between fully remote instructio­n or two days a week in the classroom.

“A choice of two days per week in the classroom is not a choice at all,” DeVos said, noting that the district’s distance learning last spring was a “disaster.”

Her criticism of schools’ distance education efforts extended across the country. DeVos said she was disappoint­ed in schools that “didn’t figure out how to serve students or who just gave up and didn’t try.” She said more than one state education chief told her that they also were disappoint­ed in districts that did “next to nothing to serve their students.”

The same thing can’t happen again this fall, she said, urging governors to play a role in getting schools to reopen.

“Students across the country have already fallen behind. We need to make sure that they catch up,” DeVos said. “It’s expected that it will look different depending on where you are, but what’s clear is that

 ?? ALEX BRANDON — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has said she hopes schools will test students in the fall to gauge where they are academical­ly, particular­ly because this spring’s standardiz­ed tests that might have provided a barometer were canceled.
ALEX BRANDON — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has said she hopes schools will test students in the fall to gauge where they are academical­ly, particular­ly because this spring’s standardiz­ed tests that might have provided a barometer were canceled.

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