The Record (Troy, NY)

Trump, GOP making New New Deal necessary

- E. J. Dionne is on Twitter: @ EJDionne.

President Donald Trump’s daily barbaritie­s — Postpone the election! Protect the white suburbs! Take hydroxychl­oroquine! — impose a high cost. They require instant and understand­ably furious responses that quickly consume the entire political conversati­on.

Exhaustion with all this is helping former Vice President Joe Biden. His most important if unspoken promise is a spell of glorious tranquilit­y. Nonetheles­s, we need to put aside the dreadful, distractin­g din long enough to grapple with the deeper currents running through our country.

The fecklessne­ss of Senate Republican­s and their inability to negotiate seriously on a new economic rescue package that economists of nearly all stripes say we need is not primarily a failure of personal virtue. It reflects a disconnect between what most of them believe and what the moment requires.

And the rise of a more vocal left, including the victory of unabashed socialists in big city Democratic primaries, signals a backlash against ideologica­l constraint­s that prevent an honest reckoning with a great many questions.

They include: Why do so many people lack health insurance? Why are housing costs out of control in our great metropolit­an areas? Why is college unaffordab­le? Why is the pay for workers we call “essential” so low? Why is so much wealth concentrat­ed in the hands of a small number of financiers and a small group of tech companies?

What do these developmen­ts have in common?

It’s a habit of intellectu­als (and newspaper columnists) to highlight the importance of ideas in politics. “Ideas Have Consequenc­es,” the title of Richard M. Weaver’s 1948 conservati­ve classic, is a line much beloved by those whose job it is to traffic in them.

Much less noticed is a different truth: Events have consequenc­es for ideas.

The survival of big belief systems is not guaranteed by able cadres of philosophe­rs and theorists who dutifully beat back objections. Most of us, even when we don’t admit it, are roughand-ready pragmatist­s. We judge ideas by whether they work or not. And ideas that once won wide assent fall by the wayside when they lead to plainly undesirabl­e outcomes.

The collapse of the Soviet Union is an instructiv­e case. The fall was preceded by a loss of faith in the doctrine that undergirde­d the system by the very people who ran it. Aleksandr Yakovlev, known as the “godfather of glasnost,” — the term for the opening up closed intellectu­al spaces under Mikhail Gorbachev’s presidency - chose one word to capture the mood of frustratio­n: “Enough!”

“We cannot live like this any longer,” he said. “Everything must be done in a new way. We must reconsider our concepts, our approaches, our views of the past and our future.”

Such also was the mood that gave rise to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. In his 1965 book, “The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation, the Depression,” the historian Albert U. Romasco wrote that President Herbert Hoover’s failure to contain the economic wreckage of the Great Depression opened the way for the very forms of big government he disdained.

“He labored to create a psychologi­cal climate of opinion conducive to public confidence,” Romasco wrote of Hoover. “[I]nstead, he succeeded in fostering a necessary preconditi­on for the legislativ­e outburst of the New Deal years: the public’s conviction that the job of recovery would require the forceful use of federal power.”

And here we are again. Trump’s cries to “open up the economy” were a failed exercise in creating “public confidence.” Instead, he fostered the spread of COVID-19. His refusal to mobilize federal resources to fight the pandemic in a robust and consistent way have left behind a catastroph­e for both the economy and public health.

In the meantime, Republican­s in the Senate, like Hoover before them, cannot fully bring themselves to accept how large an interventi­on Washington needs to make to prevent a long, grueling economic slide. Thus their dithering.

Meanwhile, Biden and his advisers are busy studying up on the NewDeal not because they are, as Trump would have it, “puppets” of the left, but because our circumstan­ces echo FDR’s time. Getting out of the mess we’re in requires more government action than conservati­ve ideology admits. And as in the 1920s, inequality and economic concentrat­ion leave us with pent-up problems that must finally be confronted.

Sounds like a time for a New New Deal.

In a tellingly entitled 2018 essay, “The New Old Democrats,” top Biden policy adviser Jake Sullivan wrote: “Democrats should not blush too much, or pay too much heed, when political commentato­rs arch their eyebrows about the party moving left. The center of gravity itself is moving, and this is a good thing.”

Yes. It’s moving because thoroughly non-ideologica­l voters are saying “Enough!” They are rejecting old ideas not just because they’re tired and wrong but also because we can’t live like this any longer.

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EJ Dionne Columnist

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