The Record (Troy, NY)

Masks for children?

- Hints from Heloise — Louise in Kentucky Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@

DEARHELOIS­E » I’m afraid to bring my 3-year- old daughter into the grocery store because of COVID-19. Should she wear a mask? — Marie in Georgia

Marie, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( states children older than age 2 should wear a cloth face covering to help stop the spread of the coronaviru­s. Make sure she can remove the mask herself if she has difficulty breathing, but encourage her to keep it on. However, children under age 2 should not wear a mask because their airways are smaller, which could make breathing through a mask difficult.

P.S. Don’t forget the other steps to take when in public: Remain 6 feet away from those not in your family, wash your hands often and stay home if you feel sick.

Friendship tea

Social distancing can bring with it a sense of loneliness and isolation. How about reaching out to a neighbor with a gift of the fixings for my Classic Friendship Tea? You will need:

2 ½ cups powdered orange-flavored breakfast drink

1 ¾ cups powdered instant tea (not sweetened)

2 - 2 ½ cups sugar to taste 1 small package lemonade mix (makes 2 quarts)

1 ½ teaspoons ground cloves

1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon

Blend together all dry ingredient­s. Store in a tightly sealed jar.

To serve, add 1-2 rounded teaspoons to 6-8 ounces of hot water. To make a sugar-free version, use a sugar substitute, diet powdered orange drink and sugar-free lemonade. You can blend it in a blender to make it smooth and creamy looking. This version is more concentrat­ed, so use less mix (about 1 teaspoon to 6-8 ounces of hot water).

Organize your student

Take a few minutes each week, together with your child, to go through their school papers, bookbag, school supplies and computer. Make sure they have everything they need, and at the same time, get rid of unnecessar­y papers, trash and clutter. Try to lessen their burden by eliminatin­g superfluou­s stuff.

This is a stressful time for parents and kids alike. Take this opportunit­y to bond with your student, whether they are learning online or in person.

Slippery cushions

DEARHELOIS­E » The cushions on my sofa were always slipping out from under me. I bought some rubber shelf liner, placed it under the cushions, and there is no more slippage. An easy solution to an irritating problem.

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