The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)


- Jacqueline Bigar Your Stars

Happy birthday: for Saturday, Aug. 29. This year you often see both sides of an argument. You could be overwhelme­d by everything that is going on around you. In situations involving constant ups and downs, consider that both sides might be right! If you are single, you certainly will have an entourage of admirers to choose from. Your charisma seems to draw others to you like a magnet. If you are attached, you might find that often you and your sweetie tend to be on opposite sides of an ongoing debate. Remember to support each other, even when you don’t agree. PISCES can be as emotional as you can be cynical. Aries (March 21-April 19): ★★★ While you generally are an extrovert, today you’ll opt for some privacy and time away from the here and now. A Full Moon could be problemati­c and irritating. Your instincts to head for the hills might be right-on. Choose a solo adventure today. Tonight: In the whirlwind of living. Taurus (April 20-May 20): ★★★★★ A friend might be a source of frustratio­n for you today. You could cause a loved one to feel deprived in some sense because of your preoccupat­ion with another matter. A special desire is likely to become a reality in the near future. Tonight: Celebrate the moment. Gemini (May 21-June 20): ★★★★ You could be in the position of wanting more from a personal matter than the other party does. Focus on what is happening with an older relative. Your help could make a big difference in what happens with this person. Get into the moment. Tonight: A must appearance. Cancer (June 21-July 22): ★★★★★ An opportunit­y to head down a new path appears. You could be in a situation where you meet someone very different who helps you see his or her world. Some of you might experience greater knowledge through travel or education. Tonight: Juggling many different opportunit­ies. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): ★★★ You might have made a miscalcula­tion that could hurt you financiall­y. You will want to understand what choice backfired and why you went down this road. This piece of informatio­n could affect your decision-making in the long term. Tonight: Listen to a loved one’s news. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ★★★★ You’ll have your hands full with a dear friend. You have a personal matter that is important for you to handle. Others could interfere with your progress. The Full Moon is causing an either-or situation to evolve. Work on finding a solution. Tonight: Say ‘’yes’’ to living. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): ★★★★★ You could be taken aback by all that surrounds you and everything you need to do. Fatigue plays a bigger role in your choices than you realize. If you feel like retreating rather than responding to what seems like a demanding world, please do. Tonight: Not to be found. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ★★★★★ Suddenly a child or loved one wants all your attention, while you might have other plans involving friends. Rather than start a conflict, could you be open to mixing everyone together? This solution might not be natural for you, but it will be effective. Tonight: Go for naughty. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): ★★★ You might have gone a long way to handle a very important matter. However, others still might challenge your actions and stir up some confusion. This, too, will pass. Reach out to a family member for some feedback. Tonight: Don’t internaliz­e everything you are hearing. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ★★★★ What you hear could be partially off. Don’t take what is being said as fact or a given. Know that you are likely to hear nearly the opposite story later on. Somewhere in between lies the reality. Be clear in what you are requesting. Tonight: Make it easy. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ★★★★ Be aware of what your finances are saying as well as what your heart wants. Confusion reaches a new level, partially because you have not taken in all the facts that are needed. Pull back, and you will gain a better understand­ing. Tonight: Go along with the moment. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): ★★★★★ You might want to use your charisma to make a difference. Your ability to come to an understand­ing evolves. How you feel about a personal matter could change after you get an earful from the other party. Do not make assumption­s. Tonight: Go with the flow. Born today: Singer/songwriter Michael Jackson (1958), U.S. Sen. John McCain (1936), actress Ingrid Bergman (1915)

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