The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)


- Jacqueline Bigar Your Stars

Happy birthday: for Monday, Aug. 31. This year you might sense that you have entered into a memorable and important period of your life. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is riding along with your Sun sign, making nearly anything possible. You have a tendency to take risks that you normally wouldn’t. If you know what you want, you are likely to get it. If you are single, a special person could knock on your door at any given time. Don’t settle, unless you’re sure you have met the right person. If you are attached, your good luck flows into your sweetie’s life, too. A renewed sense of confidence will make your interactio­ns with him or her more enjoyable. ARIES has the same priorities as you. Aries (March 21-April 19): ★★★ You might sense a serious tone coming from others. Realize that this energy is not directed at you, but it does serve as a warning not to push people too hard. A disconnect seems to exists between you and someone else. Share your feelings. Tonight: Stay mellow. Taurus (April 20-May 20): ★★★★★ A flaky friend easily could throw your day into chaos. You will want to blame this person, but perhaps you also need to assume some responsibi­lity for the commotion. When making plans, take into account this person’s nature. Tonight: Snuggle in at home. Gemini (May 21-June 20): ★★★★ A close loved one finally will take a step toward you. Be open to this person, as he or she often encourages and supports you in whatever you do. Honor the new possibilit­ies that surround work or a new important person in your life. Tonight: Seek out a fun friend. Cancer (June 21-July 22): ★★★★ Your ability to clear up a problem emerges. Take a back seat, and allow someone else to feel as if he or she is in control for now. You know better, but you don’t need to let this person know that. In a sense, you’ll be helping his or her self-worth. Tonight: Share a dream. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): ★★★★★ You might be overly generous. Make sure you don’t have expectatio­ns that aren’t realistic. Detach from a difficult and/or awkward situation. You will beam in much more of what you want once you pull back some. Tonight: Consider a lastminute summer getaway. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ★★★ A relationsh­ip will test your self-discipline. You might be confused by a close friend or loved one who makes promises but often does not follow through. Listen to your inner voice, but also recognize that you generally accept this person’s behavior. Tonight: Talks over dinner. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): ★★★★ You could be in a difficult position. You might have company or some obstacle that prevents you from being 100 percent present. Focus on letting go. Remain supportive of others. Tonight: Remain positive, and tackle some of what you need to get done. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ★★★★ Observe, but be willing to get involved and help clear up a hassle. You might stumble into a situation where problem solving — your strength — is needed. Demonstrat­e that skill with sensitivit­y. Others don’t like feeling inferior. Tonight: Pace yourself. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): ★★★★★ Your ingenuity emerges, and while others are frustrated with a boss or older family member, you’ll move past the issue immediatel­y. A child or loved one likes your ideas in general. Your originalit­y delights him or her. Tonight: Forget hassles and enjoy the moment. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ★★★ You might not understand why you feel as if you’re in a funk. When someone is as busy and responsive as you are, slowing down doesn’t seem natural. Give yourself some personal time more often. When you turn on the switch, you will be all the better for it. Tonight: Ever playful. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ★★★★ Expect to be busy, and you won’t be disappoint­ed. You will need to prioritize. As a result, you likely will have to adjust your schedule. You might feel as if your circuits are about to blow — so much is going on. Tonight: Accept someone’s caring invitation. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): ★★★★ You might find yourself in a situation where you need to understand what is happening with a matter that could affect you in many ways. Even with as much as you know, you can never know too much. Go to an expert, if need be. Tonight: Schedule a massage. Born today: Profession­al wrestler Jeff Hardy (1977), singer/ songwriter Van Morrison (1945), actor Richard Gere (1949)

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