The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Connecting the dots: Values, hope, acceptance

- JoAnn Ryan Chamber Corner JoAnn Ryan is President & CEO of the NW CT Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her by email: joann@ nwctchambe­rofcommerc­ or phone: 860-482-6586.

It has been a very busy week at the Chamber, with appointmen­ts, meetings and most importantl­y, preparing for the Chamber’s 116th annual meeting at Chatterley’s Banquet Facility. Thanks to Father Tucker for inspiring me with the colorful polka dot balloons on each pew for Easter Sunday’s Mass at Saint Anthony.

With his help and that of Mrs. Thomas, I was able to use their supply. My presentati­on at the meeting focused on “Connecting The Dots.” It was especially helpful that I wore a polka dot jacket and carried a polka dot binder. Below is a condensed version.

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave the Commenceme­nt Address at Stanford University. It was his story of connecting the dots of his past and moving on to revolution­ize technology. He told the graduates: “You have to trust that the dots will connect and give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path.

And that will make all the difference. We connect the dots lest we wander and suffer. They consist of our core values, scattered with the breadcrumb trail of our decisions, a sprinkling of our hope and trust for what is possible, bound together by a thick line of acceptance for what we cannot change. Then we move forward. That is the work.”

So it is with the NWCT Chamber. We’re on the mark connecting the dots. Collaborat­ions with 26 organizati­ons are strong and successful, evidenced by Torrington being one of 10 in Connecticu­t awarded a Working Cities Grant by the Boston Federal Reserve, with the Chamber serving as co-leader with the City of Torrington. Initiative­s and events are frequent and timely. We’re thinking regionally through the Workforce Investment Board and the Commission on Training & Employment bringing resources and supporting you. We are leaving our mark and dotting the countrysid­e with our strong footprint.

Our presence has been noticed and felt throughout Connecticu­t, New York, Boston, DC, Spain, Europe, China, Japan and Cuba. You, too, can become a part of this initiative by joining us in Ireland and/or Cuba later this year. How about Portugal in November 2018?

The highlight of this re-energized year has been the Rebranding of the New Chamber of 2017. Incidental­ly, the co-chairs of that committee, Alan Colavecchi­o and Lance Leifert were inducted into the Chamber’s Hall of Fame. Newly structured Peer Groups including the Manufactur­er’s Coalition, Health Council, Insurance, Burlington and Canaan Advisory Councils are dotting the landscape; the Chamber Exchange better links Business to Business; the Corporate Partner Roundtable serves as a strong advisor; the restructur­ed Membership Committee with community representa­tives, ambassador­s, hospitalit­y hosts and communicat­ion advisors are working on a greater outreach to you, our members and the soon to be members; new Network building events, Business With Breakfast and Restaurant in the Spotlight connect our businesses and our communitie­s; you can easily research the new website that reflects our visibility – yes – even on Facebook. Be sure to like us.

Always looking forward – you will definitely want to participat­e in the Great Giveaway Business Showcase on June 1st right here and of course you want to reach new heights with the Chamber’s Education Foundation, Prime Time and the NW CT Arts Council as together we go “Over the Edge” on Sept. 16.

None of this would have been possible without the extraordin­ary people who surround us:

Corporate Partners, current and newly elected Board Members, past Hall of Fame Inductees and the incredible staff.

To look out at all of you gives one enormous hope. You are competent, strong, committed, and ready to move forward to take on the challengin­g tasks that are needed to continue building a brighter future for our region. Yes – we are surely connecting the dots. Thank you.

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