The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Voting rights activists should love the Supreme Court’s ruling

- By Richard L. Hasen

Sometimes the most important stuff in Supreme Court opinions is hidden in the footnotes. In Monday’s Supreme Court ruling striking down two North Carolina congressio­nal districts as unconstitu­tionally influenced by race, the majority buried a doozy, a potentiall­y powerful new tool to attack voting rights violations in the South and elsewhere.

At issue in the case was whether two congressio­nal districts drawn by the North Carolina General Assembly were unconstitu­tional “racial gerrymande­rs.” A racial gerrymande­r exists when race — not other criteria, such as adherence to city and county boundaries, or efforts to protect a particular political party — is the “predominan­t factor” in how a legislatur­e draws lines and the legislatur­e presents no compelling reason for paying so much attention to race.

The more interestin­g of the two findings involved North Carolina’s 12th Congressio­nal District, on which the court divided 5 to 3 in upholding a lower court’s ruling that the district was a racial gerrymande­r. The state had defended its line-drawing on the grounds that the meandering district was constructe­d that way for partisan purposes. It was all about helping Republican­s, North Carolina argued — not divvying up white and black voters. The Supreme Court so far has refused to strike down districts that look like partisan gerrymande­rs, so proving that this was about party and not about race would create a safe legal harbor for the state.

On the surface, Justice Elena Kagan’s opinion might seem relatively modest — a win for those challengin­g North Carolina’s districts, to be sure, but a straightfo­rward applicatio­n of establishe­d principles about deferring to the factual findings of lowercourt judges. The lower court in the case had found that race was the driving factor, and Justice Clarence Thomas — a rather surprising addition to the majority — wrote a concurrenc­e stressing that lower courts’ factual findings are entitled to considerab­le deference.

But two footnotes in the case radically rework the court’s thinking about the relationsh­ip between racial and political-party discrimina­tion in a way that should greatly expand the ability to bring gerrymande­ring claims in states where race and party overlap significan­tly.

Kagan explained that, when it comes to drawing congressio­nal districts, race and party are not necessaril­y separate categories. She wrote that plaintiffs can succeed in showing that race predominat­ed in drawing lines even if “a legislatur­e elevated race to the predominan­t criterion in order to advance other goals, including political ones.” Further, she wrote that “the sorting of voters on the grounds of their race remains suspect even if race is meant to function as a proxy for other (including political) characteri­stics.”

This seems to be a much more realistic approach to the interrelat­ed matters of race and party than the court’s earlier treatment of them as either-or propositio­ns for purposes of assessing the legality of gerrymande­ring. Indeed, political scientists refer to places such as North Carolina as states with “conjoined polarizati­on,” where racial and partisan categories overlap. In North Carolina, about 90 percent of black voters are Democrats; conversely, the overwhelmi­ng majority of whites are Republican­s. When the Republican legislatur­e passes a plan to limit Democratic voting power, it necessaril­y affects black voters.

Under this logic, legislator­s will no longer be able to hide behind claims of partisan motivation to protect themselves from racial gerrymande­ring claims. Kagan’s approach should allow voting rights plaintiffs to bring more successful racial gerrymande­ring claims.

And this approach has broader applicatio­n — especially important given the Supreme Court’s landmark 2013 decision overturnin­g key portions of the Voting Rights Act that had required states such as North Carolina to get federal approval before making new voting rules that could hurt minority voters: Last week, the Supreme Court declined to review a North Carolina case involving voter identifica­tion and other strict voting laws. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit had also treated race and party as proxies for one another and said that a partisan- driven voting law also constitute­d intentiona­l race discrimina­tion.

Whether the race-and-party proxy approach will survive at the Supreme Court in the long term is uncertain. But at least for now, this new realism — even if buried in some footnotes — represents a welcome developmen­t.

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