The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Help someone along the way, and you’ll have a productive day

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito A New You

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill Long ago, back in the 15th Century, Albert and Albrecht Durer lived in a tiny village near Nuremberg. They were two of a family of 18 children, and the mother and father worked tirelessly to support the family. Albert and Albrecht had a dream of becoming great artists. Their family, though, was not able to send both boys to study. So it was purported that the two brothers worked out a plan; one brother would go to school, while the other would support his brother’s education by laboring in the mines. Then, they would switch places, and the other brother would pursue his artist dream at school.

For the next four years, Albert financed his brother Albrecht’s goal of becoming an artist. Albrecht excelled in school. His work at the academy was well-received by others, and he began to earn a considerab­le money for his commission­ed works. When Albrecht returned to the village after his schooling, Albrecht honored his beloved brother Albert, for the years of sacrifices that enabled him to fulfill his career ambition.

“Now,” Albrecht said to his brother, “It is your turn to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream and I will take care of you.” Tears streamed down Albert’s thin face as he sobbed, “No, brother, it is too late for me. Look at what four years of mining has done to my hands.”

The bones in every finger of Albert’s hands had been smashed at least once laboring in the dangerous mines, and Albert suffered from arthritis.

Hanging in great museums in the world are Albrecht Durer’s great portraits, masterful sketches, woodcuts and engravings. Yet none as powerful as the drawing he did entitled, “The Praying Hands.” Albrecht drew his brother’s abused hands, with palms together and fingers stretched towards the heavens, as a tribute to his brother’s unconditio­nal love and sacrifice.

No one, but no one, makes it alone.

I like the quote that says, “He climbs the highest, who helps another up.” You have a great capacity to love. Remember, you have something wonderful to offer that nobody else can give. To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you might be the world. There is untapped potential for good within you. And God is counting on you to carry out His wondrous work. So make the decision that you’re going to help another every single day. Someone needs you, for our lives should represent making the way easier for those with whom we come into contact.

Years ago, a young lad lost his parents in an accident. Rebellious and troubled, the boy was labeled the worst kid in school. Then, one day, a family adopted him. The mother gently put her hands on the young boy’s shoulders, looked him in the eye and said, “You are a bright, wonderful and caring boy,” and glancing at her husband, she continued, “and all we have to do is bring that out in him.”

The wise mother knew that choosing to give or withholdin­g affirmatio­n would have an amazing amount of control over her son’s self-image and his future. For the picture of his mother’s positive words were etched in the boy’s mind. And the mother’s words of praise gave him strength and confidence. His new mother’s encouragem­ent, love and unshakeabl­e faith were the motivating factors for the boy to try to become the kind of person that she believed him to be.

When a child, or people in general, know that they are enfolded in the secure belief that he or she will do well, they are actually able to do that much better. Without the stress of spending emotional energy trying to protect themselves from hurts, negative comments or past failures, they can be relaxed. Their guard is down, and they spend their energy positively reaching for their dreams, goals and helping those in need.

Well, that young boy went on to achievemen­t, realizing great successes in his personal and profession­al life.

As this story reveals, everyone needs encouragem­ent and a helping hand. People can do remarkable feats when others believe in them.

Your decision to be a positive influence will have a greater impact on people than you could ever imagine. And as you bless others, God will bless you. So how could you use your God-given talents to help those around you? Try these suggestion­s: Lend an ear to someone in distress. Befriend others. Highlight and recognize every person’s special gifts. Offer to someone a life-altering prayer. Use good humor. Give anonymousl­y. Help someone achieve a goal. Be free with sincere compliment­s. Leave a message or note telling someone what you appreciate about them.

“Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamenta­l characteri­stic of the noblest men and women I have known. Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationsh­ips that can last lifetimes.” (Joseph B. Wirthlin)

You can donate clothing, toys, or furniture. Provide handcrafte­d items to those in need. Volunteer to help with bike- or walk-athons. Use your culinary skills to do good in the community. Help out at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Recently, I set up collection boxes for nonperisha­ble foods at a neighborho­od supermarke­t and local car dealership. After just a few weeks, we collected over 1,000 pounds of food for the food bank.

Hence, never underestim­ate the power of encouragin­g words, a kind touch or selfless actions. They accomplish much in the lives of the recipient. And when you help, support and uplift others, even in small ways, you serve God. “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, my little ones you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Today, look deep within and ask yourself, “What can I do for others?” Spend some quiet time to listen to the whispers of your heart.

You are the hands with which God can use to bless another. Yours is the ear of understand­ing. You’re the feet who can walk with people and help them through difficult times. You are God’s voice, and yours is the beautiful smile. So utilize it. Bring a person joy and comfort ... and give kind reassuranc­e and hope to someone’s future.

Help someone along the way, and you’ll have a productive day. You are God’s masterpiec­e. And God will bless you ... as you give.

Email Catherine GalassoVig­orito at cgv@ anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide. Like me on Facebook!

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