The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Staying awake through the barnstormi­ng for governor

- Ken Dixon, political editor and columnist, can be reached at 860-549-4670 or at Visit him at and on Facebook at kendixonct.hearst. KEN DIXON

NEW CANAAN — I am ready for Tim Herbst to morph into an impression of Peter Lumaj. I know he has some latent method-acting skills.

In fact everyone running for governor this year in Connecticu­t, all eleventy of them, should be able to recite the 90second bites that their intra-party competitor­s have been spouting in this budding political spring.

We’re in the heart of affluent, overwhelmi­ngly white Connecticu­t, on the stage at Saxe Middle School. It’s the final forum of GOP gubernator­ial contenders before the convention next month — it can’t come too soon — that will winnow out at least half of these … hopefuls.

At this point, after four full, two-hour performanc­es in the other congressio­nal districts, it’s time for them to loosen up.

“I was born in slavery,” I want Herbst, the tightlywou­nd former Trumbull first selectman, to speak into his microphone in a pseudo-Albanian accent, shooting his sleeves like Lumaj, an immigratio­n lawyer from Fairfield who is the most-conservati­ve in what is a huge field of nine, 10, 11 Republican contenders for the fall election.

At this point, these guys — New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart hasn’t yet been allowed into the public festivitie­s because of her late entry into the field and correspond­ingly low fundraisin­g — have lost their spontaneit­y.

It’s too much to hope for the fireworks of the previous forum in New Britain, when Lumaj took a swipe at Herbst’s former town fiscal program. Herbst then countered by calling Lumaj “ambassador,” in reference to Lumaj’s unproven claim that he was offered the diplomacy posting to his home country after the Trump victory.

I’m on the stage trying to keep the audience of 500 from snoozing.

To say the nine men — did I mention they’re all men? — know each others’ speeches is an understate­ment. I’m sure that Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton or Steve Obsitnik, the Navy vet/ tech exec from Westport, could step slowly to the center of the stage and speak quietly about how he “cleaned up Dan Malloy’s mess in Stamford,” which is the default line of Mike Handler, that city’s CFO, a town resident here who is the volunteer EMS director. Boughton and Obsitnik could maybe even explain how Malloy’s “mess” included a AAA bond rating, and whether Handler fixed the long-broken elevator at Smith House, the city’s old municipal nursing home, before he sold it off.

I’m sure David Stemerman — the Greenwich hedgefunde­r who in the finest traditions of people like Tom Foley is campaignin­g for his first elected position by starting at the top — could, at this point, do a passable version of Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti, mansplaini­ng how he’s kept taxes low by supporting businesses that bring in 25,000 out-of-town workers every day.

I would even bet that state Rep. Prasad Srinivasan, a Glastonbur­y physician whom you might remember helped Boughton during his dehydratio­n-induced seizure last month, could perform a passable rendition of David Walker’s “fiscal ranger” routine, in which the former comptrolle­r general saved the nation $380 billion as comptrolle­r general of the US under Republican and Democratic presidents alike.

I have no doubt that Walker could do a noteperfec­t John Ratzenberg­er, the Bridgeport guy Walker claims as a friend. Ratzenberg­er played an endearing Boston mailman named Cliff in the

It’s hard to put yourself out there, offer 90-second solutions to decades-old state problems, and seek support from a public that’s only mildly interested.

old sitcom “Cheers.” It seems that everyone in the school auditorium knew his name but Walker, who called Ratz’s character “Norm.”

Such are the nuances for which we reporters have to stay alert during this volatile election season, on that vector for Nov. 6.

It’s so much more fun to concentrat­e on 25-yearold prime-time shows, than it is to, say, consider how every Republican wants to blow up the public-employee union contracts set to run until 2027, if they can win majorities in the House and Senate this fall.

It’s more amusing to consider this group as a bunch of close-knit barnstorme­rs, touring the state together, than it is to think about how they would all work to end the public financing program that has taken a lot of the special-interest money from the political sumo wrestling ring.

But as the stage cleared at about 8:40 the other night and the candidates were safe to go back to phone-banking for delegate support, I was left with one important lesson, in this first phase of the “most important election, ever.”

Say what you want about these people — and I do — but it’s hard to put yourself out there, offer 90-second solutions to decades-old state problems, and seek support from a public that’s only mildly interested. They all get credit for wanting to do something.

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