The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Responsibi­lities of president & the people


The importance of appointing a new justice to the U.S. Supreme Court cannot be overstated. That person will influence decisions affecting key aspects of American life for a generation or more.

The importance of taking the election of a U.S. president seriously cannot be more apparent. President Donald Trump lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College and as a result is influencin­g the nation’s highest court through two appointmen­ts.

Talk about political gyrations. Republican­s blocked President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to replace conservati­ve Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. Garland’s nomination expired as Trump took office and the new president within a week nominated conservati­ve Judge Neil Gorsuch, who won Senate approval months later.

With the retirement of Senior Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, Trump gets to nominate a second jurist. Monday evening he announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh from the U.S. District Court of Appeals as his choice.

While Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, often was a swing vote on the nine-member court, Kavanaugh is expected to be solidly conservati­ve.

Thus, the president who was not elected by the will of the people, gets to tip the balance of the Supreme Court. No wonder protests and rallies, such as one in New Haven Tuesday, are happening around the country.

Much is at stake. The Affordable Care Act, which has brought health care to millions of Americans, is at risk. So, too, is gun violence prevention — though Congress has done precious little in that regard since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings five-and-a-half years ago. And a 45-year-old law, Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion with certain limits, could be in danger. All three come down to health care, protection and control.

We are concerned that Connecticu­t’s laws in support of health care access, gun control and reproducti­ve rights, among others, could be endangered.

With the checks and balances of the three branches of government built into the Constituti­on, the Senate will hold hearings and vote on the president’s nomination to the court. The narrowly Republican- controlled Senate must examine Kavanaugh’s record and plumb his ability to separate personal beliefs from jurisprude­nce.

Also, they should explore the consequenc­es of Kavanaugh’s writings on presidenti­al immunity from criminal prosecutio­n while in office. He worked on the Kenneth Starr investigat­ion of then-President Bill Clinton. In a 2009 Minnesota Law Review article, Kavanaugh wrote: “Congress might consider a law exempting a President — while in office — from criminal prosecutio­n and investigat­ion, including from questionin­g by criminal prosecutor­s or defense counsel. Criminal investigat­ions targeted at or revolving around a President are inevitably politicize­d by both their supporters and critics.”

In light of the ongoing Mueller investigat­ion that vexes President Trump, Kavanaugh’s perspectiv­e is interestin­g.

It is President Trump’s responsibi­lity this time to nominate a replacemen­t for the Supreme Court. And it is the public’s responsibi­lity to speak out on what matters.

The president who was not elected by the will of the people, gets to tip the balance of the Supreme Court.

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