The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Neighbor concerned about lack of social distancing

- Annie Lane Another Annie

Dear Annie: My wife and I have three daughters, and the thought of one of them getting sick from the coronaviru­s and having to stay in the hospital alone frightens us to death. We do our very best, utilizing delivery services and every other option at our disposal to prevent the spread of this virus.

We have many neighbors, but there are four homes in particular within sight of our home that don’t practice social distancing at all. Each household has several children and all the children play with each other. Every household also has one or both parents working, leaving the house every day for work. It is extremely frustratin­g to watch this go on, day in and day out. Our children see their children playing together and, of course, question why they aren’t allowed to play as well. Thank God they understand when we explain that those children, those households, aren’t following the rules.

We have a hotline we can call to report those not following social distancing measures. Would you feel guilty about reporting them? I’d be happy to hear your input.

Nervous Neighbor

Dear Nervous Neighbor: No, I wouldn’t feel guilty calling that hotline. It’s not tattling when it could save lives. But I’d also encourage you to take the lead on building a sense of community (and with it, collective responsibi­lity) in your neighborho­od. Call your neighbors (or mail letters, if you don’t have their phone numbers) to see how things are going. If there’s a household in which both parents are essential workers, see if they need help connecting with safe child care resources. (Check with your local government for informatio­n on that.)

Dear Annie: With homeschool­ing my kids now and trying to keep up our love for nature while not leaving our neighborho­od, I stumbled upon this idea you may like to share with your readers. The National Wildlife Federation has a program where you can earn your garden or backyard a designatio­n as a Certified Wildlife Habitat. My kids and I had a blast moving through the National Wildlife Federation’s checklist to get our yard in shape to become certified. We learned a lot and the kids were happy to Google different terms we didn’t know, and to research how to build a few contraptio­ns. (I did not know that butterflie­s needed a “puddler”; I didn’t even know what that was! But we had fun building a few.) When we had all the tasks completed, we simply applied online and made a donation.

We all learned a lot and had a sense of pride in our community and in creating a space for our furry and crawly friends.

Amanda B.

Dear Amanda B.: I love this idea! Readers can learn more at­e/Certify

Dear Annie: I write this letter with much gratitude and respect. I am presently retired. I am writing to all those who are out there working. Some have their own families at home to worry about but still have to go into work every day. Some have been sick and are now better and have to go back into the thick of things. I don’t think they get enough credit for their hard work.

Dear Annie: To all the front line health care workers, as well as grocery store cashiers, delivery people, sanitation workers and anyone else working an essential job to keep the rest of us safe and well-supplied: Thank you. We really can’t say it enough.

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