The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Voting rights need to be expanded, not restricted

- By state Sens. Martin Looney and Bob Duff Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney represents the 11th District, which includes New Haven, Hamden and North Haven. Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff represents the 25th District, which includes Norwalk and

These Republican proposals are not popular in Connecticu­t, but if Republican­s had the votes, these proposed bills would be the law in our state.

If Republican­s held majorities in Connecticu­t’s Senate or House of Representa­tives, access to voting in our state would be more challengin­g, voter turnout would drop immensely and our democracy would be weakened.

The 2020 election season was a triumph for democracy in Connecticu­t, due in part to the temporary enactment of noexcuse absentee ballot voting, because we knew it would be reckless and irresponsi­ble to ask Connecticu­t residents to potentiall­y expose themselves to COVID-19 in order to vote. What’s more, the rejection rate of absentee ballots was the lowest in recent history, just 0.94 percent. Despite this irrefutabl­e fact that absentee ballot voting was not a fraudulent practice and instead was a resounding success, the state’s Republican Party chooses to focus on ways to restrict voting access.

Proposed legislatio­n such as Senate Bill 802 seeks to throw out hundreds of thousands of absentee ballot votes if they’re all not counted by the end of Election Day. If this proposed bill were law, thousands of Connecticu­t residents would be penalized by having their votes rejected if they were not counted in this unreasonab­le and arbitrary time frame. Again, last year was a resounding triumph for absentee ballot voting in Connecticu­t. Still, Republican­s seek to restrict absentee ballot voting in the state, proposing bills such as House Bill 6325 and House Bill 6326, which limit the mailing of absentee ballots to voters.

Imagine what the 2020 election would have looked like in our state if voters could not have a ballot mailed to them? Connecticu­t has one of the oldest population­s in the country and these proposed policies would force people of the highest risk for severe illness from COVID-19 to potentiall­y expose themselves to the disease in order to vote. These ideas are discrimina­tory, cruel and echo the unfounded concerns and outright lies of twice-impeached former President Donald Trump.

Our state’s Republican Party has not stopped at seeking to prevent absentee ballots from being mailed to voters, however. They’ve also decided, based on their alternate reality where if they lose an election there must have been fraud, to eliminate Election Day registrati­on voting.

This is another proposed bill that would disenfranc­hise eligible voters who wish to participat­e, and this bill would do so without merit resulting in reduced voter turnout. It appears that voter suppressio­n is both national and state Republican policy.

Research suggests Election Day registrati­on voting leads to greater voter turnout. Republican­s in Connecticu­t aren’t alone in their efforts to make voting more cumbersome; all across the country this seems to be the strategy following record turnout in 2020. Republican­s seem to fear democracy.

After Jan. 6, we know such proposals cannot be cast aside as harmless pieces of legislatio­n that will inevitably die in committee. Jan. 6 was the crescendo of former President Donald Trump’s election lies and conspiracy theories. It was fueled by Trump and the flames were fanned by Republican­s in Congress and state legislatur­es around the country that were complicit in their silence or participat­ed with conspirato­rial rhetoric and unfounded claims of voting irregulari­ties that should be investigat­ed.

Since the insurrecti­on, we’ve seen the Republican Party split into factions of pro-democracy and pro-conspiracy, conservati­sm and QAnon. Based on the pieces of legislatio­n seeking to restrict the voting rights of Connecticu­t residents, it sadly appears the divide that exists in D.C. might be present in Connecticu­t’s Republican Party, too. Also, these proposals are not popular in Connecticu­t on both sides of the aisle, but if Republican­s had the votes, these proposed bills would be the law in our state.

Democrats have worked to expand voting rights, not to restrict them and will we continue to do the same this legislativ­e session and beyond.

 ?? File photo ?? Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, D-New Haven, center, and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff, D-Norwalk.
File photo Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, D-New Haven, center, and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff, D-Norwalk.
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