The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Absent husband is absent boyfriend

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I have been with my boyfriend for eight years. When I met him he was married, but his wife lived in another state. Although he said he loved her, he would visit her only for a week every other month or so. While he was there, instead of concentrat­ing on her he spent most of his time visiting his friends.

He never intended to leave her for me, but she found out about us a year ago and told him she wanted a divorce. It became final a few months ago. He tells me he loves me every day, but he still spends a lot of time with his friends. I don’t think he looks forward to our time together the way I do. I’m afraid if I have a heart-to-heart conversati­on with him about this, he will walk away from our relationsh­ip. I am terrified of being alone, so I settle for waiting for my turn.

During the COVID quarantine, we kept to social distancing for several weeks, until I felt we had been isolated long enough that we could be together again. Tonight, he joined some friends for a social gathering, knowing it would compromise what I had worked so hard for so we could be together. Abby, it feels like he cares less for me than for his friends. Am I fighting a losing battle to stay with someone who seems so cavalier about our relationsh­ip?

Left Out in Washington

Dear Left Out: This man isn’t going to give you anything more than you are already getting from him, which is very little. This isn’t a losing battle you are fighting; the battle is over. He has made clear where his priorities lie, and they don’t include you. If you really want a companion, find someone who is willing to share his life with you to the extent that you are willing to share yours with him. This man isn’t the one. Dear Abby: For the past week, my son-in-law has been texting me daily. I don’t mind his texting about normal things, but he’s either seeking a very close friendship or he is attracted to me. He and my daughter are 22 and very religious. I don’t think asking me via text how he looks shirtless now compared to a year ago is appropriat­e.

There have been other red flags on his side of the conversati­on. Should I confront him via text? Should I tell my daughter? I love her and do not want her to be mad at me.

Only His Mother-In-Law

Dear M.I.L.: I believe you. If your son-in-law’s texts are suggestive or make you uncomforta­ble, speak up and tell HIM — not your daughter. If he persists in that vein, discuss it with her then. As to his request for a comment on his physique, ask him why he’s asking his mother-in-law and not his wife. And follow it up by telling him frankly that you think the question and the photos are inappropri­ate.

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