The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Answer is simple: Love one another


Jesus tells us and the disciples in the Gospel of St. John this week, “to love one another.” Jesus commands this of all who follow Him, as the way everyone will know that we are His followers and disciples.

Have you ever been recognized by your love? Do you ever just tell others you love them and then show it by loving actions? Have you ever examined your conscience to see if you love others as much as Jesus loves you?

This is the week to pray and accept the challenge to first love others, before we judge, criticize or make comment. Is it not true that we grow more from love then from criticism or negativity? It is easy to say in our psalm response, “I will praise your name for ever my king and my God.” But to realize love in word and action is the best way to praise the Lord — that is our challenge! The early disciples, Paul and Barnabas, in their missionary work and journey did so, to show love in action.

The final book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation­s, wants us to know, realize and put into action that like a bride and groom, God pledges everlastin­g love. The entire book of the Acts of the Apostles wants us now in 2022 to realize that the early church was built up on LOVE and so will the church of today be built on love! The early church is creating a new heaven and new earth uniting the two in this world as Christians who know and love one another.

This love is not warm words or actions like fuzzy feelings. Jesus calls us to love one another in the way that He has loved us. This means we have to be willing to give of ourselves, to even lay down our plans, acts, desires and life for others. If we dare to hope in the message of the Resurrecte­d Lord to offer peace and love, then we need to make that a thirst, a desire to look beyond personal convenienc­e, the petty securities and compensati­ons that limit us from reaching out in true, Christ-like love.

Another way of loving is to be a better listener to people who suffer. We are presently surrounded with that both in our country and our world and the challenge to join them in confrontin­g the evil, suffering and pain in a loving culture of encounter.

This is one way of truly learning to appreciate the value of others. People on the margins can best reveal to all of us how we can best discern the difference between what we need and what we love to hoard. If we listen deeply to the people who suffer, we become one family that struggles to live and grow in true love. In the solidarity of hope and pain we can wipe away our tears and that of others that flow from our eyes and other eyes.

When you question what love one another means think of this story about two brothers. The older was virtuous and dutiful the younger wicked and crafty.

Their dad was about to die, and he called the two boys in and said, “I have only two things of value: my herd of cows and my blessing. How shall I allot them?”

The younger one said, “Give me your blessing for it may help me, because I would surely sell the cows and squander the money.”

The older one said, “I’ll accept the cows and great memories of you, dad.”

So, it was arranged, and the dad died.

The wicked younger son went before the probate judge stating, “Behold, my brother has defrauded me, he is so bad that our father denied him our blessing: is it likely that he gave him the cows.” The older son was compelled to give up the cows.

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