The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Sanders’ health care plan puts Democrats on the spot

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON » Sen. Bernie Sanders rode his impassione­d liberal army of supporters through a tumultuous 2016, fighting to snatch the Democratic presidenti­al nomination from Hillary Clinton. Now he’s disrupting the party anew, forcing Democrats to take sides over his plan to provide government-run health care for all.

The Vermont independen­t’s proposal, which he plans to unveil Wednesday, is thrilling the party’s progressiv­e base and attracting many potential 2020 presidenti­al hopefuls eager to align those activists behind them. Yet Democratic leaders are stopping short of embracing it, and others are warning it’s a political and policy trap.

Meanwhile, the so-called single-payer bill has Republican­s gleefully anticipati­ng wielding it as a campaign weapon, particular­ly against the 10 Democrats defending Senate seats in states President Donald Trump won last year and where liberal voters are scarce.

“I’m not seeing any evidence single payer is attractive to the swing voters Democrats would need to win control of the House and Senate,” said Jim Hobart, a GOP political consultant. Using it against Democrats will be “a very inviting attack line,” he said.

Sanders evolved last year from a fringe senator to a major force commanding loyalty from progressiv­e Democratic voters, activists and contributo­rs. He could still seek the presidency in 2020, when he’d be 79. Clinton, in her new book, accuses him of inflicting lasting damage that hurt her chances of defeating Republican Donald Trump.

As described by aides, Sanders’ bill would essentiall­y expand the Medicare health insurance program for the elderly to all Americans, covering virtually all medical needs except longterm nursing care. By Tuesday afternoon, it had been co-sponsored by at least 12 Democratic senators, including four other possible presidenti­al contenders: Kamala Harris of California, Massachuse­tts’ Elizabeth Warren, New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker of New Jersey.

“The time is now for the United States to do what every other major country on Earth has done, and that is to guarantee health care to all people as a right and not a privilege,” Sanders said in a brief interview Monday. He declined to discuss his proposal’s political impact.

With Trump in the White House and Republican­s controllin­g Congress, the bill has no chance of becoming law soon. But for many Democrats, it unfurls an irresistib­le mix of liberal policy goals: Universal health care and a simpler medical system that would be less expensive than today’s for many, likely financed with taxes exempting the poorest Americans while heavily hitting the rich and corporatio­ns.

Sanders’ plan is “a different value system, one where we all take care of each other and where health care is a right,” Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, told reporters Tuesday. He added, “This is no longer going to be a fringe position.”

Sanders has released no price tag. The version he advanced during his presidenti­al campaign would have cost a huge $1.4 trillion a year.

A similar House bill by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has 117 co-sponsors, more than half that chamber’s Democrats, underscori­ng the concept’s growing acceptance in Democratic circles. Yet, others are keeping their distance.

Underscori­ng the unease, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, of California, a long-time backer of the single-payer idea, declined to endorse Sanders’ measure Tuesday. She told reporters her focus is defending President Barack Obama’s health care law from the all-but-dead Republican attempt to repeal it. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has said the single-payer plan is something to be considered.

While Sen. Tammy Baldwin of the swing state Wisconsin is backing Sanders’ bill, Democrats facing tough re-election campaigns in GOP-tilting states are being more cautious. Sens. Jon Tester of Montana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota say they prefer to improve the existing health care law, not scrap it.

Several others are offering alternativ­es that will let Democrats vote “yes” to expand government-provided health care without the allin move Sanders wants.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, DOhio, a potential presidenti­al hopeful, said he’s pushing another bill with Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., to let people over age 55 buy into Medicare, 10 years younger than now. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., another 2020 presidenti­al possibilit­y, has his own Medicare buy-in plan.

Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressiv­e Change Campaign Committee, which works for liberal candidates, said he supports multiple efforts to move toward universal coverage and warned that candidates who don’t back such efforts would be “forfeiting a degree of support.”

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a “Care Not Cuts” rally in support of the Affordable Care Act in Covington, Ky.
JOHN MINCHILLO — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a “Care Not Cuts” rally in support of the Affordable Care Act in Covington, Ky.

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