The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Women hold key to light in this current darkness

- Kathryn Lopez Columnist

“It seems undeniable at this point that Hugh Hefner’s death broke open some sort of seal.”

My former colleague at National Review magazine, Ian Tuttle, tweeted this the other day, referring to the avalanche of accusation­s and confession­s of men behaving badly in some of the highest echelons of power that has occurred since the death of the Playboy founder.

A reckoning appears to be occurring in Hollywood, accompanie­d by a widespread acknowledg­ment that something has gone very wrong when it comes to men in power and sex.

Why is it that men would ever presume to take what is not theirs? Why is it that women have been too afraid to speak up? Could it be that the expectatio­ns of the culture have forced both men and women into untenable positions?

Could it be that we’ve been breathing an air that has us believing the other gender exists for gratificat­ion rather than awe and reverence?

There was something in that Donald Trump infamous hot-mic incident — where he described this profane mindset of men in power — that was clarifying and almost set the stage for all these recent stories. The now-first lady dismissed it all as “what boys do.”

One gets the impression that she’s trying to raise her son otherwise. So why would Melania Trump or anyone else tolerate it or otherwise explain it away?

When the U.S. Catholic bishops gathered in Baltimore for their annual meeting, there was a presentati­on noting, among other things, the upcoming 50th anniversar­y of “Humanae Vitae,” a document that in 1968 seemed to do what my own magazine’s founder was inspired to do visa-vis the Cold War, among other things: “Stand athwart history, yelling ‘Stop,’” as it says in the 1955 National Review mission statement. Paul VI, the author of “Humanae,” saw a radical revolution afoot that was going to make the world worse, for women in particular.

Speaking before his brother bishops, New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan highlighte­d prophetic passages from Paul VI’s letter, including: “(A) man who grows accustomed to the use of contracept­ive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregardi­ng her physical and emotional equilibriu­m, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfacti­on of his own desires, no longer considerin­g her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.”

And so it happened. And so we live among the ruins.

Mary Rice Hasson, founding director of the Catholic Women’s Forum at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, issued a challenge to her sisters in the faith:

“Women must be front and center in evangelizi­ng the culture because, as a Church, we must live that truth of complement­arity. We believe that there’s something of value created when men and women work together, and we know that the Church needs us — men and women — to witness to the love of God in a powerful way, together.”

Besides “Humanae Vitae,” Paul VI also issued this message that has resurfaced in recent years:

“Women, you do know how to make truth sweet, tender and accessible, make it your task to bring the spirit of this council into institutio­ns, schools, homes and daily life. Women of the entire universe, whether Christian or non-believing, you to whom life is entrusted at this grave moment in history, it is for you to save the peace of the world.”

With this light shining on the darkest places in Hollywood and elsewhere, there’s a tremendous opportunit­y to turn the ship around. Women can save the peace of the world, by expecting better for themselves, their sisters, their daughters — and the men who ought to love them for the value they bring to existence.

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