The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Phone video cameras are a double-edged sword

- Esther J. Cepeda Columnist

It’s both the greatest social-justice opportunit­y and the worst privacy-gutting curse of our times: a high-powered video camera in nearly every human hand.

It’s up to us to know how to use it as a tool instead of a weapon.

A few weeks ago, a young woman graciously agreed to switch seats on an airplane with a fellow traveler named Rosey Blair, who wanted to sit next to her boyfriend.

Since no good deed goes unpunished, Blair and her boyfriend then turned the woman into an unwilling internet star when they decided the woman was hitting it off very well with her new seatmate. For fun, Blair took photos and audio recordings of the two from the row behind, giving them cute nicknames and creating a story about their supposed midair courtship via tweets during the whole flight.

Days later, after #PlaneBae became a viral sensation, the young woman released a statement pleading to be left alone: “Without my knowledge or consent, other passengers photograph­ed me and recorded my conversati­on with a seatmate. They posted images and recordings to social media, and speculated unfairly about my private conduct. Since then, my personal informatio­n has been widely distribute­d online. Strangers publicly discussed my private life based on patently false informatio­n. I have been doxxed, shamed, insulted and harassed.”

To bored people who want to garner retweets and “likes” on their social media accounts by posting images of someone just living their lives — not to mention simply being human by struggling with some simple task or slipping on the sidewalk — please just stop.

However, there is also a substantia­l upside to ubiquitous, internet-enabled cameras in every pocket: swift justice in the face of racism, bigotry and hate-fueled violence.

Video of law enforcemen­t harming unarmed African-Americans fueled the Black Lives Matter movement, and video of everyday citizens attempting to police black people has led, in several instances, to perpetrato­rs of everyday racism eventually seeing the error of their ways.

For instance, over the Fourth of July holiday, a video went viral of a white man questionin­g a black woman and her daughter about whether they were allowed in the pool of a North Carolina private community, where the black family lived.

The video was posted on Facebook and viewed more than 4 million times. As a result, the man was forced to resign from his homeowner’s associatio­n board and was fired from his job, because his employer wanted to send a strong message that the situation didn’t reflect the company’s values.

In mid-June, in a Chicago park, a white man verbally assaulted a Hispanic woman wearing a Puerto Rico T-shirt as she was setting up a picnic area for her own birthday party. He demanded to know if she was a citizen and declared she “should not be wearing that in the United States of America” while a uniformed forest preserve officer watched, not intervenin­g.

Again, it was caught on video and shared on the internet, resulting in not only the man getting slapped with felony hatecrime charges, but with the officer who stood idly by resigning.

We are living in a time when people see how our president treats people and subsequent­ly feel empowered to act hatefully.

The video cameras in our pockets are an excellent check on those base instincts.

To recap: Be a good citizen and mind your own business in peaceful situations.

But if you encounter cruelty in public, please help the victim by documentin­g it — use your phone camera for the higher purpose of protecting the vulnerable and bringing the hateful to justice.

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