The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Come sail away

Sails make a comeback as shipping tries to go green

- By Kelvin Chan

LONDON >> As the shipping industry faces pressure to cut climatealt­ering greenhouse gases, one answer is blowing in the wind.

European and U.S. tech companies, including one backed by airplane maker Airbus, are pitching futuristic sails to help cargo ships harness the free and endless supply of wind power. While they sometimes don’t even look like sails — some are shaped like spinning columns — they represent a cheap and reliable way to reduce CO2 emissions for an industry that depends on a particular­ly dirty form of fossil fuels.

“It’s an old technology,” said Tuomas Riski, the CEO of Finland’s Norsepower, which added its “rotor sail” technology for the first time to a tanker in August. “Our vision is that sails are coming back to the seas.”

Denmark’s Maersk Tankers is using its Maersk Pelican oil tanker to test Norsepower’s 30 meter (98 foot) deck-mounted spinning columns, which convert wind into thrust based on an idea first floated nearly a century ago.

Separately, A.P. MollerMaer­sk, which shares the same owner and is the world’s biggest container shipping company, pledged this week to cut carbon emissions to zero by 2050, which will require developing commercial­ly viable carbon neutral vessels by the end of next decade.

The shipping sector’s interest in “sail tech” and other ideas took on greater urgency after the Internatio­nal Maritime Organizati­on, the U.N.’s maritime agency, reached an agreement in April to slash emissions by 50 percent by 2050.

Transport’s contributi­on to earth-warming emissions are in focus as negotiator­s in Katowice, Poland, gather for U.N. talks to hash out the details of the 2015 Paris accord on curbing global warming.

Shipping, like aviation, isn’t covered by the Paris agreement because of the difficulty attributin­g their emissions to individual nations, but environmen­tal activists say industry efforts are needed. Ships belch out nearly

1 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year, accounting for 2-3 percent of global greenhouse gases. The emissions are projected to grow between 50 to 250 percent by 2050 if no action is taken.

Notoriousl­y resistant to change, the shipping industry is facing up to the need to cut its use of cheap but dirty “bunker fuel” that powers the global fleet of 50,000 vessels — the backbone of world trade.

The IMO is taking aim more broadly at pollution, requiring ships to start using low-sulfur fuel in 2020 and sending ship owners scrambling to invest in smokestack scrubbers, which clean exhaust, or looking at cleaner but pricier distillate fuels.

A Dutch group, the Goodshippi­ng Program , is trying biofuel, which is made from organic matter. It refueled a container vessel in September with 22,000 liters of used cooking oil, cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 40 tons.

In Norway, efforts to electrify maritime vessels are gathering pace, highlighte­d

 ?? CASPER HARIOT/MAERSK TANKERS VIA AP ?? Finnish startup company Norsepower installed its rotor sail technology on the Maersk Pelican tanker Aug. 29 at Rotterdam, Netherland­s, in the first such installati­on on a tanker as the shipping industry tries new solutions in an effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
CASPER HARIOT/MAERSK TANKERS VIA AP Finnish startup company Norsepower installed its rotor sail technology on the Maersk Pelican tanker Aug. 29 at Rotterdam, Netherland­s, in the first such installati­on on a tanker as the shipping industry tries new solutions in an effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

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