The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

When did ‘unpatrioti­c’ become in vogue?

- Chris Freind Columnist

“It’s not the crime; it’s the coverup.”

Richard Nixon came to define that phrase after covering up the Watergate burglary, but there are countless examples where a person’s reaction to a given situation had far greater impact than the event itself.

With that in mind, let’s review the recent controvers­y where Nike pulled a line of sneakers with the American flag logo. Doing so would have been unfathomab­le just a few years ago, but since we are in a “nothing-surprises-me-anymore” mode, the importance of what transpired pales in comparison to what, if anything, the American people will do about it.

Nike nixed the release of a sneaker timed for Independen­ce Day that featured the 13star Betsy Ross American flag. It wasn’t due to a manufactur­ing defect, but because washedup former NFL quarterbac­k Colin Kaepernick cried foul, stating that it was offensive since slavery existed in America during the time that flag flew. He also said that some white supremacis­t groups display the flag as one of their symbols. Since when do we automatica­lly cede our hallowed symbols to a few extremists trying to co-opt them?

Just in case you missed that “logic,” let’s review: The company shelved sneakers because its crybaby “ambassador,” looking for the slightest semblance of relevance, whined, yet again, that he was offended by perceived racial issues. But instead of his trademark kneeling for the National Anthem, he’s now taken it much further (or, more accurately, taken it “backwards”), lashing out because our country’s history isn’t perfect.

Hate to rain on Kaepernick’s parade, but his ignorance and hypocrisy are more staggering than usual -- and that’s saying something.

First, Betsy Ross was a Quaker, and Quakers were opposed to slavery. She was also an abolitioni­st. Maybe that’s too big of a word for Colin, but it means she wanted slavery abolished. Ross was also from Pennsylvan­ia, where slavery had been outlawed. Finally, it’s not without irony that the Confederat­e flag, which has been under withering attack lately, was defeated by forces representi­ng an expanded version of Betsy Ross’ Stars and Stripes.

But it clearly doesn’t matter to Kaepernick that slavery was extinguish­ed in 1865. According to his thinking, once a slave state, always a slave state, so damnations and repercussi­ons should be never-ending.

And now to Nike. Many are fuming over the company’s action, bewildered as to why it would “kowtow” to the whims of a clueless Kaepernick.

Nike didn’t kowtow, nor did it cave, overreact or make a rash judgement. It knew exactly what it was doing from the get-go.

Nike chose to invest in Kaepernick and his racially based social-engineerin­g agenda for a variety of reasons, so it clearly wasn’t going to be at odds with the person it effectivel­y made the “new face” of the company.

Put another way, Nike’s decision to disrespect America’s flag and cast aspersions on its history was eminently predictabl­e. It was a callously calculated business move -- nothing more.

Truth be told, Nike’s value has increased since hiring Kaepernick, though that’s much more the result of a booming economy and rising stock market than it is Colin Kaepernick and his agenda. But perception is reality, and Nike’s perception is that it’s on the right course.

Nike is literally banking on the premise that millions of upin-arms whites will, in several weeks, completely forget about the “flag issue.” Conversely, Nike is likely anticipati­ng a bump in sales from black Americans based on the company’s support of Kaepernick.

Nike can do as it pleases. But it’s extremely dishearten­ing to watch companies shrug off their ethical responsibi­lities solely to pursue more almighty dollars. When is enough … enough?

Americans who believe Nike is out-of-bounds should flex their considerab­le economic muscle by writing op-eds, calling talk radio, making their views known on social media, contacting Nike directly, and yes, if need be, boycotting the company.

Unquestion­ably, had Nike pulled this stunt during the height of the Greatest Generation’s power, it would have reversed itself immediatel­y. Truth is, knowing the will of the people, Nike never would have attempted to do so in the first place. Bottom line: You can tell a lot about a society when the majority doesn’t have the stomach for battle, or the stamina to see the most important things through.

If that attitude doesn’t change quickly, America’s greatest traits will disappear … in a swoosh.

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