The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Don’t forget that the pandemic isn’t over

It may be hard to remember given the events of the past week or two, but there’s still a deadly pandemic going on in Pennsylvan­ia and across the United States.


Recent protests and businesses reopening have overshadow­ed the fact that cases are still climbing.

The numbers of cases and deaths keep climbing here and elsewhere in Pennsylvan­ia, though thankfully at a lower rate than in the past. The results are mixed on the national level, with some communitie­s seeing notable increases while others are stable even as restrictio­ns are being lifted across the country.

The most notable reason the pandemic has been on the back burner for so many people is the Memorial Day death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapoli­s police and the angry reaction to that news. The widespread protests, coupled in too many cases with acts of rioting, destructio­n and violence, have dominated Americans’ attention.

We recognize and support the need to protest, but it’s unfortunat­e that in their zeal to get an important message across, too many people have forgotten that there’s a considerab­le health risk involved with gathering in a crowd. Even when people are wearing masks, which many protesters have done, standing in close proximity and shouting pose a significan­t risk of spreading the coronaviru­s.

We recognize that social distancing does not go naturally with protest marches, but we do wish greater precaution­s would be taken. It’s important to note that this isn’t just about protecting the health of the people out protesting. Carelessne­ss here poses a risk to anyone with whom they come in contact in their family and community.

The other reason the pandemic isn’t getting as much attention is a broad sense that people are ready to return to life as they knew it regardless of what government health authoritie­s say.

Today marks the beginning of the yellow phase of reopening for counties in our area, among the last in Pennsylvan­ia that had been operating under the strictest rules establishe­d by Gov. Tom Wolf.

To many the move to yellow is further evidence that they can let their guard down a little bit. Others reached that conclusion weeks ago.

More people have been venturing out and gathering with people outside their homes. Were it not for the continued widespread and welcome use of masks, sometimes it would be hard to tell that we’re in a pandemic.

We understand the desire to move on. Asking people to stay cocooned for more than two months runs contrary to human nature. Nonetheles­s, we urge people to remain cautious as we enter this new phase.

The move to yellow does offer some good news. Many businesses are allowed to reopen. Restaurant­s with outdoor seating will be able to expand beyond take out and delivery. People are permitted to gather in larger numbers than before.

But we have a long way to go. We’re concerned about the fate of the businesses that remain unable to operate normally, such as restaurant­s, or aren’t allowed to open at all, such as salons, gyms, barbershop­s and movie theaters.

Hopefully we’ll have continued success in containing the virus so we can move to green in the not-too-distant future. That would allow many shuttered businesses to reopen at reduced capacity. But in the meantime we encourage the governor and his team to work with people in those fields to find a safe way for them to reopen sooner.

So many of those affected are small businesses that can’t be expected to have the resources to survive on reduced or no revenue for months on end. Many jobs and livelihood­s depend on their survival, and our communitie­s need their services.

We must emphasize that we fully support continued restrictio­ns at some level. They will be necessary until there’s a vaccine or medication that significan­tly reduces the risk of a spike in cases. But there have been adjustment­s made to the rules throughout this process as leaders learned more about the virus and the best practices to contain it. That process should continue in an effort to allow more people to get back in business.

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